24: differences prt2

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"just go baby! " said lisa as she basically dragging jungkook to the dance floor. once there jungkook only looked at her as she was dancing

Lisa then looked at him with a small pout on her lip's, she then grabbed his hand's and put them on her hip's ,she then wrapped her arm's around his neck.

"this is corny " jungkook mumbel as he push her closer to him. Lisa the just chuckel. As she lean her head on her shoulder as they sway.

"i know" lisa mumbel, jungkook then pecked the side of her head,

"let's just go home. This is boring, i don't wanna be here" jungkook said beside her ear. Lisa then turned to him.

"i noticed that you don't wanna be here, but you promised me you'll have fun" lisa said as she burry her head on the crock of his neck. With a small pout on her lip's.

Jungkook then groan, he then cup her cheeks making her pout a bit,

"why do i have to love you? "jungkook mumbel as he pecked her lip's sucking on her lower lip lightly.


Jungkook was simply setting on his seat just doodling when lisa came in the room and without saying going at the back of jungkook-jungkook still not noticing her- she then just bury her head on the crock of his neck. Jungkook then glanced at her. He then hold her hand.

"what's wrong? " jungkook asked softly as he Crees the back of her hand with his thumb lightly.

"i fucked up on my presentation " lisa said as she pouted standing up as she sit on his lap. Still pouting.

"im so stupid " lisa said as she sighed deeply .jungkook then kiss her cheek,

"i wanna say you aren't " jungkook mumbel, lisa then nudged his chest making him chuckle.

"your not making me feel better " lisa said grumply ,glaring at him lightly, jungkook only give her his bunny smile as he kiss her cheek.

"it's ok if your stupid, i still love you " jungkook said, lisa then roll her eye's.

"yeah?, maybe i am really stupid, that's why im with you" lisa mumbel ,jungkook then just wrapped an arm around her waist.

"you know im bad at comforting people. Fine. . .umm... It's just one presentation, just don't fuck it up next time." jungkook said as he peck her lip's, lisa then just looked at him blankly.

"ThAt MAkEs mE fEeL So mUcH bEtTeR, tHAnK yOU" lisa said sarcastically, jungkook just smiled at her.

"your welcome baby " jungkook mumbel as he pecked her forehead. Lisa then roll her eye's.


"i hate everything and everyone!"Jungkook said as he went in the room causing lisa to jump up a bit in shock.

"why what happened? "lisa asked as she turned to him. As jungkook was sitting on the bed grumply as he had his arms crossed.

"love. Love what wrong with you? "lisa asked as she stand from her seat going in front of him, cupping his cheeks making him look up at her

"what's wrong love? Hmm? "lisa asked softly.

"my presentation was un-thought of. Pshh his so fucking stupid, my presentation is not 'UN-THOUGHT OF' he is just a dumb cunt who probably don't get laid anymore" jungkook ranted just like a five year old. Lisa then thought how can people mistake her to be the one who's immature.

"and i was actually worried for you" lisa mumbel as she was turning back when jungkook grabbed her by her waist making her on top of him.

"i am upset. So cuddel with me" jungkook mumbel.


"loveee" lisa whined as she wraped her arms around jungkook's neck, there cheeks touching.

"what is it? "jungkook mumbel his attention on what he was drawing.

"i wanna cuddle " lisa said in a baby voice, as she pecked his cheek.

"im busy. Later" jungkook mumbel making lisa pout.

"i wanna cuddle now!, pleaseeeee loveee. Please "lisa said in a baby voice as she kiss his cheek multiple times. Jungkook then sighed.

"alright, but just for a while" jungkook said, lisa then smiled as she nod's.

*3hour's later*

"baby did i forget something? I feel like i forgot something " jungkook randomly said. Making lisa turn to him.

"uhh. Nope. I don't think so" lisa said as she smiled, kissing him.


Lisa just entered the room when she saw jungkook just blanky sitting in bed. She then looked at him confused.

"love? U good? "lisa asked.

"cuddle with me bitch" jungkook said, making lisa sigh as she thought jungkook was possed or something.


A snail can sleep for three years.

The fingerprints of a koala are so indistinguishable from humans that they have on occasion been confused at a crime scene.

The more you know 😙😙😙😙

The meaning of m&m's (the candy) is mars and murrie .

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