4: meeting her parents prt2

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Jeon jungkook

-causing them to turn to me. I smiled awkwardly, as i go near them.

"good to finally meet you! Lisa has told me a lot about you!! "said Lisa's mom as she ingulfted me in a hug-now i know where lisa got her cheerful personality-i pat mrs Bruschweiler back. A small smile curved to my lip's.

"about good thing's i hope"i said, mrs Bruschweiler then break the hug. I went beside lisa and met eyes with mr Bruschweiler.i smiled trying not to froze up.

"mr Bruschweiler.Nice meeting you sir"i said as i offered a hand shake. As i gulped,

"Nice meeting you" said mr Bruschweiler, as he accepted the handshake, a wave of relief was over my body. I quickly broke the handshake as im to nervous im afraid my hand would start sweating.

"alright. Umm let's go? "lisa said as she break the awkward silence. I glanced at her. Not wanting to look over to her very intimidating dad.

"yeah... Let's go" answered Mrs Bruschweiler.

"let me help you with mrs Bruschweiler" i said as i go to her side and grab her bag. She then pat my shoulder.

"you have a keeper priya! "mrs Bruschweiler said causing me to chuckel as i see lisa blush.

"relax. He just carried you bag for you"i heard mr Bruschweiler say, causing me to chuckel awkwardly.

"aishh daddy shush" i look over to lisa. I never really hear her call anyone daddy other than me before. It's really weird to hear. And i think she noticed because once we met eyes she giggeled.


"so... Umm... What do you plan doing while visiting korea, mrs and mr Bruschweiler?" i asked as i glanced over to the rearview mirror. Breaking the ice.

"hmm. . . We have no plan's, we're just visiting you guy's, and jungkook please stop being so formal alright? Just call us uncle and aunty "Mrs Bruschweiler said causing me to awkwardly smile.

"i-umm... Ok aun-aunty"i said trying not to stutter but no use. I then focus on the road. Letting out a shaky sigh. I then felt Lisa's hand on my thigh.

I glanced over to her as she smile at me.

"chill-"her word's was cut off by mr

"your hand lalisa. "said mr Bruschweiler in a very intimidating deep voice causing me to gulped.

"huh? What about my hand daddy? "i still am not getting use to her calling her dad like that. It's weird to hear.

"get your hand off his thigh" mr Bruschweiler said voice firmer. Mrs Bruschweiler then nudge her husband.

"yah! Stop it, your scaring the kid's. Her hand is just on his thigh. Lisa's not doing anything sexual, in front of us " mrs Bruschweiler said the last word's turning to us with a smirk on her lip's, causing me to instantly blush.

"yah! Eommmaaaa"lisa whine as she lean her head to my shoulder her hair covering her red cheeks. Soon after mrs Bruschweiler laughter filled the car.

"Haha-anyway. You two why won't we go for dinner later yeah? "asked mrs Bruschweiler,i glanced over to mr bruschweiler to see his reaction and he just had a blank expression totally un-readable.

"sure mom. Where? "i heard lisa say causing me to concentrate back to the road her hand still resting on my thigh.

"we'll take care of that. Just come and pick us up at our hotel at seven pm-"
"sharp" mr Bruschweiler added causing nod as i know his implying to me.

"aish. "i heard mrs Bruschweiler sigh. Soon after we made it to there hotel.

"are you sure you don't want me to help you with that au-aunty?"i asked mrs Bruschweiler ,she only smiled at me and bid goodbye.

Lisa wave to her parents goodbye, once they we're out of sight i release a deep sigh. Lisa giggeled

"my daddy like's you" lisa said causing me to turn to her.

"How can you tell? "i asked raising an eyebrow. She then showed me her phone

Dad 😊

His nice.

I read the text from his dad. Causing a smile on my lip's.

"see i told you, you don't have to be worried, my daddy's naturally intemedating "lisa said. As i look back to the road.

"it's weird you calling someone daddy other than me baby to be honest "i mumbel causing her to laugh. She peck my cheek

"don't call me that again. It make's me a bit uncomfortable now"i said as she laughed.

"fine. Remember that you said that, alright daddy"she said.

Shit it still sound so sexy when she say's to me. Damn it!

"i change my mind. It doesn't bother me not one bit baby"i said causing her to laugh. I then turned to her pecking her cheek. After a few more minutes i parked the car in the parking lot .i turned to her. Kissing her cheek multiple times.

"I love you baby" i mumbel she then giggeled my hand goes to her neck pushing her closer.

"i love you more" she said i then back away a bit.

"who do you love more? "i asked she then roll her eye's at me.

"daddy. I love you more daddy"she said causing me to smile. As i kiss her cheek.



The FDA allow small amount of RAT dropping in candy bar's.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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