7: egg project

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Insprired by the idea of Unicorn292404thank's for the inspiration :)


Lisa was once again late for class ,the reason why she's late? -well it was because she was busy arguing with a bunny boy about which was do you put the toilet paper- dumb but the two seem so passionate about the matter as they argued for half an hour about them.

"that's dumb jungkook, if he only just admitted that his wrong and im write it's upward's, the toilet paper should face upward's! "lisa mumbel as she walk fast. After a few more minutes she finally reached her homeroom.

"im sorry i-"lisa was cutt off.

"There's no teacher yet dumb ass-opp sorry i forgot you don't have an ass"jungkook laughed, some of the students laughed aswell. Lisa only roll her eyes but a question run through her mind.

"I was literally just talking to you minutes ago, how the hell did you get here faster than me?! " lisa as she just went to her seat which is coincidentally behind of jungkook's.

Just ignoring jungkook's remarks, as his word's, opinion just goes to her ear then out the other. Jungkook say shit about her all the time and she do the same to him, so it didn't bother what his opinion is to her. They've been like that since grade school, it's kinda there 'thing'.a love hate relationship, They would talk smack about each other but they won't let anyone else talk smack about eachother-it's either there both a masochist or they're just being 'playful' .

"that's because your stupid and a slow runner "jungkook turn back to her. Lisa roll her eyes as smack his head lightly.

"A clumsy one to. Remember when she tripped face first on a marathon!"said Bambam the class clown as he laughed there classmate's joining in laughing, lisa only roll her eyes, resting her chin on her palm.

"Shut up bam atleast her faced heald, how's your face doing? "jungkook said as he throws a piece of paper towards bambam glaring at him,

"yoo chill kook,im just kidding " bambam said as his laughter dial down.

"Stop saying shit ugly ass boi!! "Jungkook said causing everyone to laugh ,even lisa chuckel at what jungkook said.

A piece of paper was thrown on his desk, jungkook then open the paper.

Alright. Just this once i'll let you win. Just because you stood up for me.

I lalisa manoban admit that jeon jungkook was right about how to put the toilet paper.

Don't get cocky you little bitch.

Ps. Thank you


Jungkook turned to see lisa just doodling on her notebook, he had a small smile curved on his lip's as he just put the note in his pocket. The smile still not fading away.

Everyone stopped laughing once they heard the door open reaveling a middel aged woman, wearing a rainbow with a 'world's best aunt' printed on the front of the chair, she walked in the room carrying a bag sat on mrs bae's chair.

She reach in her bag getting a mugg with the the same print on it like what's on her sweater. She placed it gently on the table, the class watch's the unknown woman get egg after egg out of her bag placing them on the table.

They watch in silence, to confused, to say anything to baffled to say a word.

"hey mrs— " Eunwoo the class president finally got a hold of himself and decided to finally say something

"miss. Im not married " said the unknown woman in the most monotone voice, as she look's up at them still getting her eggs out the back.

"ms i think you have the wrong homeroom. "Eunwoo continue, in a respectful tone. The unknown woman only stand and wrote her last name to the white board.

"I will be your teacher this week, im your substitute teacher. Your teacher is ill. " said ms lee as she turned.

"I'll give you an egg, you have to take care of it until this week end, don't let it break, ans do not try to fool me i know the difference with my Egg's "she continued as she looked all over the room.

"Ms.lee this is senior class a. I—" eunwoo was cutt off by ms lee.

"i don't care, im the sub, "ms lee answered shortly as she take's out paper of name's from her her bag.

"bambam and mina"

"eunwoo and jihyo "

"jungkook and lalisa"

Lisa's eye's widen, jungkook then turned to her with a smirk flaster on his lip's, teasing her.


Less than 5% of the ocean have been explored, so you can only imagine the monster's down there.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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