13:intemedating prt2;jungkook

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"hello everyone, sorry that i can't be there in person. So... Let's hear you guy's pitches! "lisa said excitedly as she is now on zoom with her coworkers as she is unable to go to work, as she is sick and jungkook told—well forced her to not go to work,

"it's alright ma'am, we're sorry that we can't give you this day off. We just really need to get this approved so we we have something to present to the client " said somi apologetically

"they should be sorry" was heard from a background, as lisa just nudged jungkook who was just beside her but is not seen in camera.

"shush. " lisa said to him, jungkook only roll his eyes.

"don't mind him. What are you waiting for?, you may start"said lisa as she smiled lightly.

"um alr-alright, soo the client said that they would like the theme to be this Roman theme party, which mean's classical ,we've done some research on it—"

"you said this would be quick? Is she gonna say every detail? Baby your sick staring at a screen wouldn't make you less sick" jungkook said in the background, making somi a bit uncomfortable, so was the other's who is eunji, yerin, taehyun and kai.

"im sorry about that, don't mind him—" lisa was cut off when jungkook's head popped up on the side of the screen, giving them a intemedating look.

"speed it up, she still has medicine to take. " jungkook said sternly, lisa then pushed him out the frame as she smiled at them apologetically.

"i am so sorry —" lisa was cut off.

"i-um, i-i think we still need to do a bit of research, i would just email them to you ma'am. . . W-we're very sorry for wasting your time " said somi as all of them bowwed, lisa then glared at jungkook, smacking his chest

"what? "jungkook asked innocently, lisa roll her eyes.

"you guy's don't have to do such thing. It's all right. Just continue—" lisa was cut off when jungkook ended the zoom call.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!! I CAN BE FUCKING FIRED YOU KNOW THAT?! "lisa said as she kicked him away from her. Jungkook then just hold her leg's down.

"you do know that i own 70 percent of the company that your working at. So better be nice to your boss" jungkook said as he peck her cheek's. As he wrapped her arms around his waist.

Lisa only glare at him.

"get off me, " lisa said as she push him off her as she lay in bed.

"but aren't you cold. You feel so cold" jungkook said as he kiss her cheek. Wrapping an arm around her.

"common, i know you can't resist. Fine im sorry, i just don't wanna get you more sick. " said jungkook as he peck her forhead

"your lucky im sick, i don't have the energy to be that mad at you right now. Just wait when im better" lisa mumbel as she burry her head on his chest, jungkook only kiss the top of her head. Creesing her back lightly.

"are mad at me? " jungkook asked as he just went in Lisa's office, making lisa jump up a bit from shock. When lisa recovered she didn't answer and just continue what she was doing.

Jungkook then went closer to her. Leaning on his desk. He then gently raised her chin up making her look at him.

"what are you mad about this time? "jungkook asked as he lean closer looking deeply into her eyes. Lisa just push his hand away.

"go away. Im working" lisa said as she turned away from him.

"im not leaving until you tell me why your mad, you can't just ignore me " jungkook said as he cross his arms.

"watch me " lisa only said back ,jungkook then groan .

"baby c'mon already, i still have a meeting to go to " jungkook said in a whining tone.

"then go to your meeting, i don't care" lisa said as she looked at him emotionless.

"you wouldn't care? What if i say im having a meeting with ms jang, that girl is crazy for me. You still wouldn't care? " jungkook mumbel as he peck her cheek multiple times.

"no. Now excuse me as i have lunch with yeong-hyun, remember that guy that confessed to me" lisa said as she stand. Before she could walk away ,jungkook hold her by the waist.
"Now your just being pity. Baby why are mad at me? "jungkook asked as he made her wrap her arms around his neck, As he peck her lip's.

Lisa look at him blankly, lisa was gonna say something when.

"um ma'am mr—" lisa's coworker was cut off.

"get out" jungkook said to her with an intemedating tone. The girl just do what he said.

"you can just burge in here. And think that you own the place—" lisa was cut off by jungkook.

"first of. I do own this company 70 percent of it if we're being specific, second i'll go once you tell me why your mad at me" jungkook said. Lisa then roll her eyes.

"fine. Im. . . Jealous "lisa said making jungkook chuckel a bit. Lisa then smacked his chest. Glaring at him

"who are you jealous of huh? " jungkook asked as he pecked her cheek's

"jennie unnie said she saw you in a café with a girl, you didn't told me anything about that" lisa said as she crossed her arm's, jungkook then chuckel lightly, making her pout more.

"look how cute you are. That girl was a investor. You should've told me your jealous" jungkook mumbel as he pecked her lip's. Lisa only roll her eyes.


Ted bundy actually pass two lie detector test...

The zodia killer was almost caught but a minor mistake happened, even tho eye witness said the killer was a white man. The police was looking for a African American man. Causing the killer to slip between theme. And more killings to happen.

The more you know.

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