4:Meeting her parents

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jeon jungkook

with six months of dating, the day has come to meet her parents. And me saying im nervous is understatement- im petrified, as they say first impression is important,

Mr and mrs Bruschweiler, or what lisa said to call them aunt chitthip and uncel marco-im not gonna call them that-they're gonna think im so ignorant for me calling them that when im not even that close to them, and i don't want them to think that,

I love they're daughter and if i screw this up, if ever me and lisa is married, life would suck if i have in law's who hate's me.

"calm down would you? It's fine... My parents isn't that strict "said lisa as she hold my hand as im driving on the way to the airport, my grip on the steering wheel losen a bit, as i took a deep breath,

"even so. They're still your parents, i can't just be chill about this"i said ,she then intertwined our hands together and kiss the back of my hand, leaning her head to the tip of my shoulder ,

"Just show your really intentions, im sure they can tell if a guy is good"she said Sweetly, causing me to smile, i hold her hand firmly and peck the top of her quickly then turned back to driving a smile now curved on my lip's,

"thank you for comforting me baby, i appreciate it"i said as i crees her hand by my thumb, she then kissed my cheek,then go back to her position,

"no problem, you don't have to say thank you"she said as she grabbed her phone by her other hand, as i just hummed to what she said,

"mom say's they're already arrived, "she said instantly giving me anxiety, we can't be late-ahhh what if they think im irresponsible, i can't have them thinking that,

My body tense up, the calm me left faster than it arrived, just the thought of what they're reaction would be is driving me crazy,

"love. LOVE! "i flinched hearing lisa scream i looked at her as we stopped on a red light,

"h-huh? "i said, she looked at me then just said, she cupped my cheek,

"my parents wont bite, look your sweating, just act natural "she said as she wipe the sweat on my forehead, and peck my lip's, i then lean in to kiss her, she let me do so, she kiss me back, calming me down a bit, we both flinched once we heard someone hongking, causing us to part and me start driving, after a few minutes we Brusted out laughing,

Soon after we arrived at the airport, i opened the the car for her ,we hold hands walking in the airport, my eye's scand the place, Lisa on her phone, texting her mom,

I grew anxious and anxious by the Minutes passing by,

"THERE! MA!PA!"lisa squeal as she ran letting go of my hand, i turned to where she ran and there i stood frozen,

I took a deep breath ,and smile heading to them,

"mr,mrs Bruschweiler pleased to meet you both"i said-


Dog's like squeaky Toy's because it reminds them of a small animal's being killed .

The more you know 😗😗😗

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