6:boss baby; lisa ver.

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—yeong-sik one of jungkook's office who has a bad reputation of stealing others boyfriend. Yup she's one of those people.

"fancy seeing you here"said yeong-sik as she smiled widely, her eyes trailing to lisa. Who glaring at her,

"awe who's this?"added yeong-sik smiling widely at lisa. Who just started crying.

"aishh what's wrong with you? " jungkook mumbel as he carry lisa who instantly wrapprd her arm's around his neck almost choking him.

"is she ok? " said yeong-sik as she crees Lisa's back going closer to them but eye's on jungkook. Who's trying to calm lisa who's throwing a fit.

Lisa then started to kick her leg's she then kicked yeong-sik by her mouth causing yeong-sik to groan covering her mouth, getting jungkook's attention.

"Ahh what's wrong with you today being such a brat—hey are you ok? "jungkook asked yeong-sik who's covering her mouth glaring at Lisa's back.

"no. That CHILD just kicked my lip's now it's swollen "yeong-sik said harshly as she roll her eyes in frustration.

"well... Sorry then. Better go—" jungkook was cut off as yeong-sik hold him back by the wrist.

"Wait. Can't just leave me like that when that child just kicked me. At least treat me for dinner"yeong-sik said as she smirked jungkook was about to reply when lisa basically bitched slapped her. As she push yeong-siks face away from.

"H-he h-has a-a girl-girlfriend yo-you fe-female d-dog"lisa said a pout as she wrapped her arm's around jungkook's neck making there cheeks touch.

"will go"jungkook just said as he just leave the stunned yeong-sik, bought Lisa's color's paid for the food then headed to the car.

"Your so gonna be in time out when we go home" jungkook said as he kiss the side of Lisa's head as he strap her in her baby seat. Lisa holding her color's

"Ca-can i-i at-atleast c-col-color f-flynn's p-pant's b-back hom-home? "lisa asked her pacifier in between her mouth, jungkook kiss her cheek

"hm-hmm"jungkook said as close the door and headed to the driver's seat.

"N-NOOOO! "lisa hugged jungkook's leg as she cries jennie trying to make her let go of his leg, jungkook sighed deeply.

"baby let gooo"jungkook whine but lisa hold on tighter.

"aishhh" jungkook said as he then carry lisa who clung to him crying.

"I have to go i'll be late, jennie noona will surely baby you here, i'll be back soon"jungkook said as he kiss the top of Lisa's head creesing her hair a bit.

"n-no! Y-you-you'll b-be wi-with th-that do-dog. Th-then-then you'll-you'll ch-cheat o-on m-me. TH-THEN L-LISA WILL-WILL B-BE AL-ALONE FOR-FOREVER A-AND EV-EVER!! "lisa rambles, jungkook then wipe her tears. Kissing her forehead.

"you need a nap" jungkook mumbel as he crees her back but this time calmly. Jungkook swaying a bit.

Causing lisa to yawn she then cover her mouth quickly.

"n-no! I-i wo-won't gi-give i-in! "lisa said as she tried to wiggle not wanting to sleep.

"shhh"jungkook said as he lean his head to Lisa's head. Lisa yawn once again

"n-no-n-noo i-i wo-won't—*yawn*—gi-give i-IN "lisa said as her eyes flutter close as jungkook just put the pacifier in her mouth. Her breathing soon become steady, her hold on jungkook loosen.

"you adpated quickly to this whole thing huh? "jennie said as he watch the scene before her.

"it ain't that hard. She's a pretty good girl most the time" jungkook mumbel as he hand the sleeping lisa to jennie.

"i need to go noona. "jungkook said as he took his phone and kiss Lisa's cheek before he ran off.

Lisa open her eyes to see everything was white. Her met as she looked around it seem's as if the place has no beginning or end,

"Hey miss" lisa turned hearing a guy's voice. She turned almost instantly as she saw a seventeen looking guy. Who was looking down his hand on his nape.

"where am i? Who are you? What the fuck is this?"lisa asked as she looked around.

"um...i can't really tell you where we are but... Ms i wanna say sorry. I was messing around with my Power's and accidentally turned you into a baby" said the boy not even looking at her. Lisa's eyebrows frown more.

"you. Your the cause why im a FOUR YEAR OLD?! "lisa asked as she gripped on her hair. The boy nodded.

"HOW?! "lisa asked. Eye's wide as she tried to calm herself.

"well... Im the son of time. And as to answer your question how. It was a mere child play turn to something serious —BUT! no worries i can turn you back now. Sorry for the trouble hehehe"said the seventeen year old boy. Lisa glared at him

"NO WORRIES?! YU TURNED ME INTO A FUCKIN BABY—" lisa wasn't able when the boy casted some kind of spell making her levitate. Causing her to shut up.

"i said no worries i'll turn you back now" said the boy as his eyes grew bright. And without no warning he Drops her.

But instead falling to the floor it felt as if she's falling down the sky.


AHHHH! "lisa shut up from the bed. Causing jungkook shut uo from bed the two looked at eachother with wide eyes.

"YOUR BACK! " the both of them said in unison jungkook and went hug her tightly. Since jungkook gave lisa to jennie asleep. She hasn't woken up since until now—it worried jennie a bit— he then kiss her cheek to see if she's actually back to her current age.

"How the fuck? "jungkook asked. Lisa only smiled widely.

"it's a long story "lisa said as she hugged him making then fall on the bed. The two laughing.

Lisa kiss jungkook's face all over. Jungkook slightly creesing her back.

"i love youuuu"lisa said as she kiss his lip's passionately, jungkook kiss her back.

"i love you more"jungkook mumbel a smile curved on his lip's.



Butterfly's have known to drink blood. So basically there just pretty mosquito's.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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