17: intemedating; lisa ver. prt2

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-went over to them leaving eunwoo mid sentence. As he got there jungkook snatched lisa from donghyuk. Jungkook glared at donghyuk, holding lisa's waist firmly.

"who are you? "jungkook asked donghyuk, looking at him raising an eyebrow.

"i should ask you that, you you shouldn't snatched her as if she's your's "donghyuk said in a slury tone as he was clearly drunk.

"she is mine you asshole. Let's go"jungkook said as he basically drag lisa up stairs where it was more quiet, and where it was like a vip.

"you must be lisa "said eunwoo as he smiled at her. Lisa just nod a bit while jungkook just grumply drank. His hand resting on her leg.

"eunwoo, what's going on with him? "eunwoo asked glancing over to jungkook.

"his just jealous, no big deal" lisa said calmly, jungkook just roll his eyes.

"oh. I better leave ,let you two work it out" eunwoo said awkwardly as he felt with Lisa's tone that he was disturbing something, so he left.

Lisa just glance back at jungkook who was drinking, jungkook glanced back at her. Then looked away.

"are you just gonna ignore me? "lisa asked ,jungkook just kept on drinking not minding lisa.

"bun, your being childish "lisa said, jungkook then looked at her. Eyebrow's met,

"well im sorry that im jealous. Because i just saw my girlfriend being hold by a guy by the waist. Im so childish to be jealous " jungkook said with a sarcastic tone. As he roll his eyes.

Lisa then just roll her eyes a bit,

"how your Handeling your jealousy is childish. "lisa said as she cup his cheek for him to look at her. Jungkook just looked at her with a blank expression.

"im jealous and instead of apologizing that you didn't do anything while that guy hold you by the waist, your here saying how 'cHiLDiSh' i am. Well im sorry if your so mature. " jungkook said in a harsh tone. Then chugging a shot of vodka.

"what do you want me to do when your ignoring me. Look at me when im talking to you" lisa said as she nudged his hand causing the shot glass to shatter on the floor. Lisa just cross her arm's pouting. Jungkook then just turned to her with a blank expression.

"wow real mature, i thought i was the childish one "jungkook said sarcastically.

"hey are you two—" eunwoo was cut off by lisa.

"we're fine" lisa said not even glancing at Eunwoo. Jungkook didn't even glance at him aswell.

"o-kay" eunwoo said as he just backed away making the wise decision of just steping back.

Lisa and jungkook didn't bother talking to eachother. Lisa then just lean her cheek on his shoulder pouting, jungkook glanced at her but just roll his eyes. Lisa then started playing with his hand that's resting on her lap.

"im sorry bunny" lisa mumbel playing with his ring, then intertwined her hand with his. Burrying her head on the crock of his neck.

"i was just in a state of shock that's why i didn't push him away. Im sorry bun" lisa said glancing up at him, jungkook didn't even glance at her. Lisa pouted. She then peck the crock of his neck.

"enough drinking" lisa said wiping his lip's lightly, jungkook glanced at her.

"don't be mad anymore "lisa said as she lifted her head pecking jungkook's lip's lightly sucked on his lower lip. Tasting the bitter taste of the alchol but she didn't mind it.

"your gonna stay by my side till we go home " jungkook said as he hold her hand firmly, kissing her forehead. Lisa smiled.


Cancer often take's year's or decade's to be a problem. We all have dozen's tiny pin head sized clusters of cancer cells in our body, but most of the time condition for them to go out of control seem's like some what rare .usually someone diagnosed with cancer , the original clusters of cancer cells has been growing inside the person's body for many years.

So we all have a chance to have  cancer even if it has never been in the family, it just take's luck to not have cancer, i guess.

The more you know 😗😗😗

Oh and most lipgloss contain fish scales mixed to the mixture.

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