2: sunshine

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Jungkook's pov

"HELLO?! ANY ONE HOME! "i was waken by my nap by our neighbours annoying daughter, i roll my eyes as i cuver my ear's with my pillow, wanting to go back to my sweet slumber.

"HELLO! FROM THE OTHER SIDE!! "she started singing...more of screaming the lyrics.. I sigh as i realised i can't go back to sleep, with them moving just a year ago, i know one thing about her, she doesn't just give up,

I went down stairs and opened the door her smile greeted me. I just give her a cold stare causing her to frown.

"why don't you ever smile? "she said going in, not even caring as i give her a glare as she went to the kitchen, i then follow her.

"my dad wants to give you this. Where's you're parents? "she said.

"none of you're business "i said with my cold tone. She just pout. Cute- nope she isn't.

"you're right it isn't. BUT... it can be. Let's be friends "she said smiling and my eyebrows meet.

"n-"she didn't even let me utter a word.

"yes, we're now friends! So you wanna hangout- let's hang out can you open the curtains *Open's the curtains on the kitchen* there we go you do you know its one pm in the afternoon, so since we're friends where's you're parents it's December, it's gonna be Christmas soon. Speaking of Christmas, do you believe in Santa, i for one do believe in him if you don't, you really should, like the best thing in Christmas is hoping that his real other than presents. I do believe that im on the nice list, i haven't done bad things, is eating the cookies that my dad don't let me eat bad?, if so-"i cut her of from her mumbeling.

"Shut. Up!. you need to leave i want to be alone! "I said to her. She then go to the living room and open the curtains.

And she sat on the couch and open the tv, she then looked at me and smiled.

"no"she said as she turned back to the tv and find a channel i sigh and go back to the kitchen and look at what food she brings ,some turky and gravy.

"MY DAD COOKED THAT BY THE WAY! I'LL SAY TO HIM YOU SAID THANKS"she scream from the living room. I sigh. I then went to the living room. And see her watching tom and Jerry.

"why those tom has to be so mean? "i heard her mumbel as i see her pout, she's so ingulfted in what's she's watching that she didn't notice me.

I find myself smiling as she actually feel bad for jerry, who's tom trying to kill.

"WAH! YOU'RE SMILING! OMG! YOU'RE REALLY SMILING!!"she said as she's grining at me like a child, i then shake my head.

"smile again "she said pouting at me.

"not gonna happen "i said crossing my arm's.

"please " she said and i shake my head.

"pretty please with a cherry on top "she said and i shake my head.

"pretty please on a chocolate, strawberry shortcake cake, on top of a vanila sundae, on top kitty, who's pregnant with three cute babies, with cherry on top "she said i can't help but laugh. Her eyes then lit up, she grinned like a child and pulled me in a hug.

"yieee, you just laughed! "she said. I just then just Crees her back. What is this girl's deal..

"what's you're deal? "i said.

"i just wanna see you smile, you look really sad, and i made it my mission to make a sad person like you feel joy"she said as she looked at me.

"there's no reason for me to be happy, my life is boring, my parents is out of town because business is a priority, my siblings have there own family now. Im just leaft here...alone"i said and she frown.

"there's loads to be happy about, get you're jacket on!"She said as she get's her jacket and turn off the tv.

"i don't -" she didn't let me finish as tug on my arm. And found a coat.

"I COMMAND IT, I DIDN'T ASKED YOU SO LET'S GO! "she said as we go out, i sigh.

"look, around you! You see all the decorations in there house's, it so beautiful right you should be happy about that! "she said as she looked at me smiling.

"there wasting money and electricity, for some decorations they don't even see, they should put that many lights in side, to think some people are starving while they waste money" i said and her smile the turned into a frown.

"How about the... THE KID'S!. Look there going house to house to carol. Isn't them spearding Christmas joy make you happy? " she said.

"there going to strangers houses, and there parents allow that, that's kidnapping waiting to happen"i said and she sigh. As she pouts.

"how about...tradition!. Doesn't it make you happy that people respect the tradition of Christmas?"she said, her eyes sparkle, she's a very hopefull person, like i breathe in fress air, her warm smile, her beautiful eye, button nose that's red by the cold temperature, i don't wanna ruin her innocence, i wanna keep that smile on her face.

"it does"i said she then took a deep breath and smile at me.

"wahhhh!! "she said hugging me, i hug her back,i smile crept on my lip's,

"i know you have some bright side. Cheer up because as they say after the storm there's always a rainbow "she said as she breaks the hug. We then started walking well she was skipping like a child.

"i just love snow.. Don't you? "she said as she looked at me.

"meh"i said and she pouts. She then bend down and grab a handful.

"don't even -"i was cut of when she throws it straight to my face..

"you just didn't! "i said and she laughed while running away. I then grab a handfull and ran after her.

After a while i finally cornered her.

"HAHA"i laughed as i throw it to her face.. I then wipe the snow on her Bang's. Her hazel nut coloured eye's stare into mine. Her and hair that has snow flakes, my body froze for some reason, her gaze make's me feel some what warm inside.

"uh-uhhmmm... Let's make snow angels! "she said as she breaks the silence. As she ran to the snow. And lay. Making a snow angel as i only stare at her.

She then sat and turn to me.

"COME ON! "she said a pout on her lip's. And i just came closer to her. We we're making snow angels.. A smile on both our face's.

"let's make a couple snow angels "she said and grabbed my hand and she started flapping her arm's up and down as i look at her side view, catching myself hypnotise by her smile.

"hey. I said let's make a couple snow angels "she said causing me to snap out of my trance.

What's going on with me?!


It take's longer to say WWW then it does to say World Wide Web.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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