16: puca love recipe

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— at the clinic jungkook then sneakly went in and just sat on the bed just beside them, a fabric between them just listening to there conversation.

"lali. I told you countless times. I like you" jungkook's ear's perked up a bit, he moved a bit closer to hear a bit more. What lisa would answer.

"but i like kookie"she answered and jungkook was somewhat happy that she said that, but ofcourse he wouldn't admit it.

"he doesn't like you back lali. That guy doesn't even care about you, i do"yugyeom said as he hold Lisa's hand as lisa frown.

"but. . . I still like him tho, im sorry" lisa said looking up at him feeling bad as she knows the feeling of rejection. Yugyeom just chuckel a bit, scratching his nape then patting her head lightly.

"it's ok lali, i know how much you like that guy, i just had to tell you "yugyeom said. While on the otherside jungkook was punching the air in 'happiness ' i guess.

'HAH! ' jungkook thought.

Lisa began to less and less ran after jungkook, until she never did anymore, and this got jungkook to think, he misses her, and it's driving him mad. He never missed someone like he misses her.

Until one day he just had enough.

Lisa was putting in her book's when it was pushed shut. Jungkook made her turn to him and push him to the lockers. Lisa looked at him in shocked.
"what type of game are you playing huh? "jungkook said as he hold her waist unabling her to move, lisa looked up at him.

"h-huh? Jungkook i do—"lisa was cut off by jungkook when jungkook pushed her a bit closer.

"what you called me? "jungkook asked.

"jungkook why are you—" lisa was once again cut off.

"don't call me that, what the hell is wrong with you? " jungkook asked glaring at her. Lisa only tried to back away.

"i-i don't know what your talking about "lisa said jungkook roll his eyes. Pushing her closer.

"i just don't like you now. I.  .  . Im done" lisa said and was later cut off when jungkook just kissed her, Lisa's heart stopped for a millisecond out of shocked. Lisa gripped on the fabrics of his shirt. Trying to push him away.

"to bad. Cause i like you now"jungkook mumbel as he broke the kiss. Lisa's face was red like a tomato, lisa then smacked his chest.

"Do you think this is funny? Im not just a game jungkook, im done jungkook alright, just leave me alone"lisa said, jungkook only snorted.

"did you leave me alone when i asked you to? No. So i won't give up, i'll annoy you like you annoyed me"jungkook said as he peck her cheeks quickly then ran. Not long after the bell rang.

It took jungkook months. Of annoying, meddling, and interfering with Lisa's business, and eventually lisa gave in. And the two soon got in a relationship
— 5 month's into the relationship.

Lisa was sitting on the chair beside jungkook who was playing an online game on his computer, lisa was bored out of her mind so she thought of just recording a random tiktok video.

"alright. Let's talk about Harry Styles. I always thought that harry was hot, but over the year's i have, i love him now, ya know?, like he has to be big. H just—he just big energy ya know? Li—"lisa holted once she noticed jungkook looking at her with a glare, lisa looked at him nervously,

"what? "lisa asked, jungkook just glare at her

"im sorry, but his Harry Styles, like c'mon baby. . . He just gotta be big—big on personalty "lisa said trying to save her self but no use, jungkook then lightly smack the back of her head turning back to the computer. Lisa pouted and rest her chin on his shoulder looking at him pouting. Lisa then turn her phone off.

"im sowwy"lisa said ,jungkook didn't even turn. Lisa then sat on his lap forcing him to look at her. Lisa wrapped her arms around his neck lazily. She then lean forward so he can kiss her. And he did.

Jungkook wrapped an arm around her waist.

"don't talk about no other man like that"jungkook said in a scolding way, as he parted, lisa then rest her head on the crock of his neck.

"no promises, Timothée chalamet is like a roman god "lisa mumbel, jungkook the pinch her cheek, lisa then just whine.

Lisa was once again doing a tiktok trend on jungkook. Jungkook was laying on his bed just on his phone when lisa came bursting in. She then grabbed him by the neck. And he looked at her amused.

"if your gonna call me a bitch. Make sure to put boss infront of it!!. My way—"lisa was unable to finish as jungkook grabbed her collar and pushed her closer as he kiss her. Lisa's hold on jungkook's neck lossen, jungkook was the one to hold her neck. Lisa moan lightly. Causing jungkook to smile a bit.

He then pushed her to the bed. Her back landing to the bed.

"what was that? "jungkook asked as he rest his forehead ontop of her's pecking her lip's. Lisa blush.

"nothing" lisa said as she burry her head on the crock of his neck. Jungkook chuckel as he let go of her neck.

That video just stayed in Lisa's Draft's

Lisa then thought of what will happen if she call's jungkook another name, and make a fake hickey, since jungkook hasn't really been that jealous,

Lisa then got her lipstick and just pat it a bit on her collarbone. Then just blended out.

She then got out of the bathroom, and returned to the living where her and his friends are just hanging out.

She then sat beside jungkook.

"Yugyeom can i have some? "lisa said as she reached in the bag of chip's on jungkook's hand.

"what did you call me? "jungkook asked moving the chip's away. Lisa just looked at him.

"nothing, can i have some?"lisa said ,jungkook then looked at her eyebrows met,

"fuck no. Why did you just call me yugyeom? "jungkook asked, almost in a glaring way,

" I just slipped up, it's not a big deal"lisa said, jungkook rolled his eyes. And just handing the chip's harshly to who ever was beside him. And it was no other than taehyung.

"jesus Christ, hey move a bit alright, " said taehyung as he made the other's move, not wanting to intervene in the two's fight.

"not a big deal? You just called your bloody boyfriend another guy's name! Are you thinking of him? "jungkook asked. Lisa just cross her arm's as she sighed. As she mover her hair away pushing it a bit further.

"why the fuck do you have a hickey on your collarbone?! "jungkook asked, that's when it peeked there friends interest.

"the last time i checked i didn't give you a hickey " jungkook said trying to touch it, but lisa just move a bit away. Jungkook now glaring at her.

"why are you so damn quite now?! "jungkook added as lisa didn't even say anything. She just cross her arm's.
Jungkook sighed and rest his forehead on her shoulder.

"did you fucking cheat on me? "jungkook asked in a low tone. That caught lisa off gaurd. Lisa then kiss the top of his head.

"awe baby im kidding, look its make up, i was just kidding " lisa said as she creesed jungkook's nape lightly.

"aww i started recording for nothing "said yoongi as he just roll his eyes and just look back at the tv. So did the other's.

"im not going to cheat on you "lisa mumbel kissing his cheek lightly. Jungkook then just wipe off the lipstick on her collar bone, resting his head on the crock of her neck. Then wrapped an arm around her waist. Not saying anything about.


Research has shown that tall people die faster than short people.

The more you know.

Sry for the crappy chapter lol

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