7: egg project prt2

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"SHE'S A SHE AND HER NAME IS LILY! "lisa scream as snatch the egg away from jungkook -causing a big fuss in the cafeteria,there friends sigh at the two-jungkook only roll his eyes.

"His a he and his name jungkook junior! "Jungkook yelled back but not as loud as lisa. As he tried to get the egg from lisa. There friends only roll there eyes, the sight of the two arguing is something they got used to, it's almost a routine now.

"GUYS! "jin yelled causing everyone around the table look at them, the maeknae's included, there hand's clasped together as the egg is in between there hands,

"lisa, jungkook I swear to god if you don't shut up, i will boil that egg"jin said as he caressed his temples out of frustration. Lisa then pout ,jungkook's eyebrows met, looking at jij with a stinkeye.

"YAH! DON'T TALK LIKE THAT IN FRONT OF JUNGKOOK JUNIOR HYUNG!! "jungkook yelled back jin then shot jungkook a glare and jungkook returned the glare.

"you ungreatfull brat! Don't you yell at me! "jin said,as he stand ready to smack the boy, but jisoo stopped him, as she sighed.

"calm down won't you. Jesus can't we just eat lunch in peace please!! "jisoo said as she sighed stuffing her face with some chicken.

"Hmhp! If you don't want me and my baby daddy around, then will leave with LILY, come on coconut head! "lisa said grumply as she stand sassily walking away from them.

"ohhh you done it now"jungkook said as he stand carrying Lisa's bag with her tray of food. As she shake his index-finger on them, jisoo roll her eyes,

"They'll come around "yoongi said as he lazily stuff his mouth with food.


it's now dismissal and jungkook was waiting for his baby momma, who took care of the egg after lunch,

His leaning to the wall hand's tucked in his pocket's, leaning lazily .

"what are you doing here? "jungkook turned to see his baby momma ,hand's on her waist that had the egg inside a sandwich bag with tons of bubble wrap around ut.

"Jungkook junior is coming with me tonightto spend time with my son woman" jungkook said blankly,but lisa only hid the bag behind her. With a blank expression on her face.

"tsk! LILY ,you'll just ignore her, and my baby need's attention, what if she fall without you knowing!. I have egg custody "lisa said in a scolding tone jungkook only roll his eyes, crossing his arm's.

"JUNGKOOK JUNIOR need's his father figure!, give me my son! "Jungkook said as he tried to get the bag from her back, causing him to trap her in between his arms as lisa won't give in.
"NO! MY BABY IS AN INDEPENDENT LITTLE GIRL! NO NEED FOR A WORTHLES DADDY! " lisa said jungkook then stopped as a smirk made it's way to curve on his lip's, face dangerously close to lisa. They met eyes.

"im a worthless what? "jungkook asked as his hands around her waist, lisa glared at him. And mack his bicep.

"Oh shut up! "lisa said as she roll her eyes. Jungkook chuckel

"Oh c'mon im letting you call me worthless here, but what am i again a worthless...? "jungkook said lisa then push him away cheek's a hint shade of pink showing as she grumply walk away From him. Jungkook chuckel catching up to her.

"Fineee you can take him home BUT, let me spend some time with my son woman. Co-parent with me here. how about everyday starting today you hang with me and my son after school for the whole week" jungkook suggested, intriguing lisa.

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