6:boss baby ; lisa ver

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Lalisa manoban

i thought at first this couldn't be real. That im just dreaming, that someone is just pulling a prank on me, but it's been one week since i, lalisa manoban been turned into a baby.

And my boyfriend forced to take care of me.


Jungkook was sitting on the couch injansit style. the four year old lisa simply sucking on her pacifier , coloring her coloring book, with various disney characters.

"l-look i-im do-done" said lisa stuttering as she's just basically sounding the word's, since a four year old isn't really that good with words. She raised her coloring book as she made jungkook see repunzel messily colored in.

Lisa was just wearing a bear onesie as she just woke up from a nap,

"hm-hmm that's great now color Flynn " said jungkook as he turned the page of her book  pecking the top of her head .

As he turned back to the tv. Lisa once again zoning out as she concentrate on coloring.

"k-ko-kookie i-i can-can't fi-find th-the brow-brown" lisa whine as she pour out all the color's not finding the brown, she then turned to look around the couch. A pout made it's way to the girl's lip's.

"m-my Br-brownnnn! "Lisa said as she's tugging on jungkook's shirt, wanting him to help her find it jungkook groan.

"wherr we're you last coloring? "jungkook asked, lisa then looked around once again.

"u-umm... In-in th-the k-kitchen "lisa said as she looked up at jungkook.

"collect your color's first. Then let's look for it in the kitchen "jungkook said, as he continued gaming. Lisa then did as told, as she put's her colors in it's container.

"d-done "lisa said as she once again tugged on jungkook's shirt. Jungkook then ended the game, as he pick up lisa from the couch carrying hed with one hand. Lisa's one hand gripped on his shirt as she looks around to find her color.

Jungkook then looked down on the table shelves, the sink Even the fridge but Lisa's brown color seemed to be gone.

"It's just gotta be here. Let's go upstairs it's gotta be there"jungkook said ,causing a small pout on Lisa's lip's.

"p-po-poor fl-flynn do-don't hav-have pan-pant's " lisa pouted, jungkook chuckel a bit hearing lisa mumbel. Since his girlfriend been turned to a five year old. Shs developed treats from when she was four year old. Like how she speaks, how she act's and she's now even more louder and more of a cry baby.

After a while of searching everywhere for the color brown, they still haven't found it lisa was now pouting as she sat on the bed jungkook searching under it.

"w-will fl-flynn r-rema-remain p-pant's le-less? "lisa said tears now beaming on the corner of her eyes jungkook looked up at lisa and sigh.

"you know what, let's just get you some new color's, im supposed to do the groceries anyway"jungkook said as he stand's up carrying lisa, kissing her cheek in the process.

Lisa then instantly clapped her hand's smiling widely.

"i-ill g-ge-get th-the on-one wi-with an-an e-elsa pa-pack-packaging o-on i-it"lisa said as she jumped light. Jungkook chuckel.

"hm-hmm whatever you want. " jungkook mumbel as he got his key's, then go downstairs, turning off the tv and grabbing his phone, not minding what him and lisa are wearing.

Jungkook was wearing a white plain shirt with multiple different strains; consisting of baby food to Lisa's barf— he buckel lisa up on the baby seat beside the drivers seat handing her some few Toy's to keep her busy, as jungkook went on the other side and  buckel himself and started driving.

"lali" jungkook called for Lisa's attention causing lisa to turn to him.

"i gotta work tomorrow ok? So taehyung hyung and jennie noona will take care of you tommorow so be a good girl"jungkook said as he crees her hair a bit. Eyes still on the road.

"AW! "jungkook screamed as he tried to pull his hand away from lisa who's currently biting the side of his palm

"Lalisa manoban!! "jungkook scream as he shake his hand trying to shake lisa off but no use.

"I'll count to three if you don't let go right now! —onnee—twoo-" jungkook sighed as lisa finally let go of his hand. He looked at the mark of Lisa's teeth ingraved to the side of his palm.

Jungkook then stopped off a red light turning to lisa who had her arm's crossed a pout on her lip's.

"when we're back home your on time out. You hear? Ugh. Your such a brat"jungkook sighed as he started driving driving again, lisa only roll her eyes a small pout on her lip's.

After a few more moments they made it to the grocery store. Jungkook tried to carry lisa to only be smacked away by Lisa's chubby hand's as she climbed off the car as she walk on her own. Fliping her hair back sassily at jungkook, jungkook only roll his eyes as he close the door of the car. Trailing behind the grumpy lisa. His arm's crossed watching her with an amused by her.

They then made it to where the carts we're lisa tried to pull one out and jungkook only watching trying not to laugh so loud. After a few more tries lisa sighed.

She went in front of jungkook raised her hand's indicating for him to carry her,looking the other direction her cheek's flushed red. Jungkook chuckel and carry her kissing the side of her head putting her in the cart, as he push it going inside thw store.

Lisa and jungkook get some few stare's mostly from mom's who find the scene very cute.

"i-i wa-want th-that on-one! "lisa said as she pointed at chocolate flavored ice cream. As the two of them is in the dairy aisle .

"Chocolate makes you to hyper baby"jungkook mumbel, as he put some milk on thw cart. Lisa then hold jungkook by the cheek's making him look directly to her doll like eyes.

"lo-LoOK dE-DeEp i-iNtO m-mY e-eyEs. Y-yoU w-WiLl g-gEt l-lalIsA t-thAT iC-IcEcReAM" lisa said as she talked as you would on a tone of a 'ghost',as she tries to hypnotize jungkook by her inchanting eye's.

"cute. But no, "jungkook said as he pat her head. Lisa then groan.

"JUNGKOOOKKK" a squeal heard just a few feet away from them lisa then looked back to see a familiar someone instantly making her glare at —


In 1894, a priest saved a four year old from drowning. That boy's name is Adolf Hitler.

The more you know .

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