22: the girl that see's your monster's

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Lisa was born witha stranger ability, an ability that would leave scientists baffled, and leave other's thinking that she's crazy, just like what other people call her mother.

Lisa was never new to be bullied, since she was always labed as the daughter of the 'crazy lady' ,her mother had severe schizophrenia, and other kid's bully her for it for some apparent reason.

Lisa heard it all, to 'your ugly ' to even 'Your crazy just like your mom! '

She thought she was also crazy. Until she met someone, that can also see 'them'


As lisa enter the elevator, there was a few people inside. One was a young lady in her mid-twenty's, with a lot of make up.

'im so pretty '


'AREN'T I?! '

screamed the younglady's monster, it had long red nail's looking more like claws that nail's, with a botched face, body that looked like a skeleton.

"what are you looking at? "said the younglady sassily, lisa then just looked to the ground, making the younglady scoffed.

'im better that you! HAHA! '



screamed her other monster. With such a proud tone as it laughed loudly,it had a slash on it's lip's vertically, making it's smile and mouth way wider.teeth so sharp, with hair so messy, eye's all black.

lisa then acted as if she wasn't hearing or seeing anything at all. The whisper's of the other monster's distract her.

'your gonna die soon'

'you'll be gone, and no one will miss you! '

'your alone! '


said the monster of a middle aged mad just beside her. Who sighed as he just lean back the elevator.

"sir. Are you ok? "lisa asked to the middle aged man smiling lightly. His monster then looked down at her. His monster was eight feet tall. Had hole's for eye's, a slit for a mouth and had a very round head. It's just pitch black. His monster looked closely at lisa. Making lisa gulped.

"yes" the old man answered hesitant. Lisa then smiled at him wider.

"Alright, it's a good day to be alive am i right? Such a beautiful sunny day" lisa said with a jolly tone. Making the middle aged man nod a bit.




lisa then decided to just keep quiet. As she never really do anything about other people's monster's, because they would only go away, unless that person defeat them themselves.

After a few minutes she went out of the elevator.

"LISAA! LISA! "screamed chaeyoung as she ran to lisa, with a panicked tone.

"yeah? "lisa asked.

"The ceo is looking for you" said chaeyoung. Lisa only chuckle.

"i know. Im headinh there right now" lisa said as she laughed. Chaeyoung then shyly nod.

"right. Ehehe " chaeyoung said.

'stupid, stupid, stupid! '  said chaeyoung's monster.

Unlike like other's, chaeyoung's monster wasn't as big and 'scary' like other's ,her's is only five inches tall just resting on her shoulder, that looked like a stick man, all pitch black aswell.

"alright, I'll be heading now chaengie " said lisa as she started going.

"ok. SEE YOU AT LUNCH OK? "said chaeyoung as the monster on her shoulder dissapears that made lisa smile. As she nod's, sending her a thumb's up.

As she walks pass her coworkers she can't help but hear there monster's.


'your useless! Oh so useless!! '

'Im the best! No one can surpass me! '

'that should be mine! MINE! MINE! '



Lisa then sighed before opening the door to the ceo's office.

"ms manoban" said joong-ki her boss, as he smiled.

"good morning mr jeon. What could i assist you with? "lisa asked in a professional manner as she bowwed.

'Money! Make some more money! '

'you can never have enough money! '

'make more! MORE! MORE! 'screamed Joong-ki's monster.

A slug looking creature, with teeth colored like gold, in a tuxedo, that is tight on it's overly big body, as it was munching on some gold bar.

"ms manoban! Are you alright? "asked Joong-ki making lisa snap out of it, looking over to his boss as she nod's and just smiling.

"I would be managing the company on the u.s to expand our resources, which mean's. My youngest son will be taking over, i intrust you to guide him and familiarize with the company, alright? "said Joong-ki, lisa then nodded.

"ofcourse sir. You can count on me" said lisa as she smiled.

"Oh, im sorry, i just had a bit of inconvenience, sorry im late" lisa turn to only looked shoked.

"Oh. Speaking of my son. This is jeon jungkook, the new ceo" said Joong-ki while lisa and jungkook looked at eachother surpised.

Lisa see no monster what so ever, which is shocking, she has never seen anyone even sweet chaeyoung without a monster. It scares her for one but she's mostly shocked.

Jungkook was feeling the same. He has never seen anyone, without a monster behind them, even if they're the happiest person ever, they're still small monster's sorounding them.

What could this mean?


Your ear's never stop growing, while females breast stop growing at the age 18.

The more you know.

And please follow me on instagram, i just need friends.

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