23: dangerous lovers

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"where are lisa and jungkook? For god's sake! Can we just have a decent meeting! "namjoon groan as he creesed his forehead out of annoyance.

"yeah. Cause robbing a bank is totally something everyone does" yoongi said sarcastically as he lean back on his chair. Namjoon only roll his eyes.

"i think they're upstairs, locked in there room as always " hobi said as he was cleaning his gun.

"damn. Aren't they getting tired of fucking eachother?"jimin as asked as he crossed his arms.

" It's either three things are happening inside there room. One there having sex obviously, two making out, or three cuddling, " yoongi stated.

"can you shut up, we have guests! Why do you have to talk about our maeknae's love life" jin said as he smiled apologetically to there guest which twice and got7 who just smiled awkwardly.

"aish. Just call them taehyung" namjoon said as he sighed. Taehyung groan as he kissed jennie's cheek before standing and going upstairs

He then knocked on there door.

"Yah! The meeting well start soon, LISA! JUNGKOOK! "taehyung called as he basically slam his hand on there door.

"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT GEZZ"said jungkook as he opened the door as he was carrying lisa like a baby, the two of them still in they're pyjamas.

"it's 12pm, and we have guests. Are you two re-" taehyung was cut off when jungkook just went passed him.

"she's to tired to walk alright " jungkook mumbel. As he glanced at her.

"my baby's to tired to walk" jungkook repeated as he kiss her cheek, taehyung then roll his eyes out of disgust.

"ugh, disgusting. You two have hickey's all over. You know what, what ever " said taehyung as what ever he say's to them won't change anything .

"finaly we can star-" namjoon was cut off by jin.

"Jungkook ,lisa! How rude of you, you two can't even change out of your pyjamas, we have guests " jin said. Jungkook just sat beside taehyung lisa on his lap her head burried on the side of his neck.

"you woke up so early " jungkook said as he yawned not even minding jin. Who is now being calmed down by jisoo.

"i know right " yoongi said in agreement.

"can we please just start? " namjoon said as he sighed.

"go a head namjoon oppa" lisa said in a sleepy tone. Head resting on jungkook's chest.

"what happened to theme? Look at her neck" tzuyu asked. Making everyone turn to her. Lisa then looked up.

"why what's with my-yahh you said you not going to leave hickey's " lisa pouted as she see's ton's of hickey's on her neck.

"why can't i mark you anymore? You don't allow me? " jungkook asked pushing her closer. Lisa pouted

"why so many? "lisa asked in a whine. Jungkook then kiss her bruise lip.

"cause i can. " jungkook mumbel between the kiss lisa then grumply burry her head on the crock of his neck. Jungkook then turn of over to her slightly. Kissing the side of her head cressing her back lightly.

"just get used to them, there always like that. " yoongi said as twice and got7 was looking at lisa and jungkook weirdly, as they've heard about them. And how dangerous they are. But it seems as if what they're seeing right now isn't what they've heard and the persona they have.

"HELLO! PEOPLE! PLEASE!! ATTENTION! "namjoon said making everyone to look at him.

"alright, since all of you seem's to have the attention span of a four year old, im gonna make this quick, and get the specifics in later on. The golden bank, is one of the most guarded Bank's is own by one of the most biggest mafia clan out here. That's why twice and got7 is here to help, cause this is the riskiest mission we have. The kang clan is sur-" namjoon was cut of.

"oh mah gahd. The kang clan? The leader is eun-ju right? Oh mah gahd his my ex. Nostalgic, " lisa said. Making everyone shocked well except jungkook, who just smacked her back lightly.

"baby that was before you of course. "lisa said as she pecked his lip's as she gives him a boxy smile.

"wait. Wait -eun-ju kang is your ex. Why don't we know this? " jennie asked as she crossed her arm's. Lisa then looked at her.

"well. No one really ask's, i just thought it's irrelevant, and jungkook get's jealous easily i don't my baby to get jealous, he get's grumpy" lisa said as she pinched jungkook's cheek. Jennie then roll her eye's

"still. We're your friends " chaeyoung said in a pout. Lisa then glanced at her.

"im sorry, i didn't think it mean's much, his just my ex" lisa said as she pouted.

"we can use that in our advantage " said namjoon.

"yeah. We can. "both jihyo and jaebum said at the same time.

"fuck no. "jungkook said with a stern tone.

"oh c'mon jungkook. All she has to do is use her charm until she gets close enough then we strike, easy. It doesn't have to be so complicated " namjoon tried to convince jungkook.

"have some trust in lisa. She won't cheat on you" jimin also tried to convince him.

"who said my concern if lisa would replace me. My concern is with her ex" jungkook said coldly .

"it would be easier if we use her. Im sure if she get's captured she's able to escape, "said nayeon in Hope's that jungkook will budge if one of the guest convinces him.

"we're going to get some breakfast "lisa said as she stand holding jungkook's hand heading to the kitchen.

"you are not going near that crazy ex of your's " jungkook said lisa then sat on the counter.

"baby. This could be the biggest robbery, i'll come home to you anyway" lisa said wrapping her arms around his neck. Making there foreheads touch.

"I'll always come back to you" lisa repeated. Jungkook then scoffed.

"you better. Because if you don't i'll kill that guy" jungkook said, lisa then giggeled and pecked his lip's.

"so what's the plan" said lisa as they came back from the kitchen.


Every minute you shed 30,000 dead skin cells.

The average nose produces about a cupful of nasal mucus EVERYDAY

The more you know 😙😙😙

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