23: dangerous lovers prt3

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"Jungkook you need to calm down! , we can't just wing it, we need a plan! " said namjoon as jungkook was being held back by jimin and taehyung.

As th plan didn't went aswell as they hoped it would. As just half an hour ago, they received a a call from eun-ju  himself using lisa's phone, taunting them. Mocking them.

Jungkook then got inpatient and just punch both jimin and taehyung causing them to fall back. Yugyeom and bambam then went in front of him, wanting to stop him, to only end up with a gun pointed at them.

"Jungkook put it down! "jin yelled. Yugyeom and bambam gulped

'why me? Why is it always me?!!! ' yugyeom said in his mind as he gulped.

'welp. Its is what it is' bambam thought just accepting his faith.

"get out of my way, " jungkook said with a intemedating voice.

"your bluffing " bambam said making jungkook scoffed as he clacked the gun, ready to shot.

"i was kidding! C-can't you take a joke? " bambam said as he laughed awkwardly. Jungkook was ready to pull the trigger when taehyung pounch at him. Making him drop the gun.

Jungkook then got him away but everyone went against him. With almost twenty minutes of them fighting jungkook. They finaly tied jungkook to a chair.

"when i get out of here. I will skin you all alive! "jungkook yelled as he tried to break free but no use.

"god damn, my body aches" said taehyung as he sat down gently .

"tell me about it" jimin said as he sighed.

"say hi to the camera princess" everyone turned to the tv as it featured lisa chained to a chair.

Lisa looked at eun-ju with a glare.

"I'll kill you!! Just wait! "Lisa yelled at him. As she spit his way. Eun-ju then slapped her. Which made jungkook angrier.

"say hi to your friends rude slut" eun-ju said but this time with a harsh tone.

"what are you— i miss you baby, i miss you already. Get me away from here ok? " lisa said as she frown which earn a slap from eun-ju again.

Jungkook then clenched his fist

"Yoongi quick, get there location! "namjoon said.

"your still with that guy? Tsk, that boyfriend can't do anything, but watch princess " and with that eun-ju forced lisa to kiss him, lisa was backing away. And without no warning. A bullet hitted the tv.

"you wait and see asshole " jungkook said. Everyone then glanced at him nervously except yoongi and jinyoung who's working on where the signal came from.

Jungkook then scream out of anger, he then shot a vase.

" call me when you got there location " jungkook said coldly as he walked to the training fieled.

"uhmmm. " jennie broke the awkward silence.

"lunch anyone? It seems that it's gonan take a minute, " jisoo said trying to break the ice as she smile's.

"shouldn't we be training aswell? " nayeon said. As she looked at jungkook who was just shooting the manikins head's off.

"we'll do that later. C'mon! "said chaeyoung as she stand supporting jimin as he sprained his ankle.

"how about him? "asked bambam as he looked at jungkook who's now stabing the manikins over and over again. Cutting there limb's off.

"go ask him then" said jackson as he stand heading to the kitchen.

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