the alpha turn's to a pup against his luna

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Lisa woke up by the tingling feeling of someone nibbling on her neck. She already know's what that mean's.

"where are you going? "lisa asked sleepyly. As she turned her head to his mate. Scratching her eyelids. Jungkook burry his head on the crock of her neck.

"namjoon hyung's pack.for a full week "jungkook said in a whinning tone. Lisa chuckel, lisa then crees the back of his head. Then push his head lightly closer to her. She peck the side of his head.

"im gonna miss you pup" lisa said as she ran her hands through jungkook's wet hair as he was already ready to go.

Jungkook then kiss her face all over. Pushing her closer to him. Saying goodbye is alway's hard for jungkook. He doesn't really wanna leave his mate, but now that she's pregnant, he doesn't want her out off his sight.

"im gonna miss you more. Call me if you need anything, if your feeling bad ok? "jungkook said pecking her forehead, lisa smiled a bit, as her pregnancy isn't the most easy.

"I will. You can go now pup it's ok, we're ok" lisa said as she peck his lip's. Jungkook then crees her belly.

"i love you, i love the two of you so much" jungkook said kissing her cheek. Lisa smiled

"i love you more. We love you more. We're gonna be ok. And if we're not your gonna know. I promise " lisa said reasuring jungkook. He then peck her stomach,

"you can go . Will be fine pup" lisa said, jungkook groan a bit. Just wanting to make her come with him. But she can't as her pregnancy is really sensitive.

"ok. I'll be going now" jungkook said as he sat up and kiss lisa lovingly. She then crees his cheek. There foreheads touching.

"be careful, i don't wanna see any bruises "lisa said, jungkook then nodded as he backed away. Lisa smiled.

"bye baby" jungkook said. Lisa smiled lightly. Even tho she also doesn't want him to leave.

"bye-bye. Grab us some mango's on your way back" lisa said.


"are you ok baby? "jungkook asked worriedly as him and lisa is on facetime .lisa then just turned hugging her pillow.

"hm-hmm. I just threw up. I hate being pregnant. Screw you"lisa groan as her eyes started to flutter close as she yawn. Jungkook then chuckel a bit, it's been a day since he arrived at namjoon's pack along with his other hyung's

"are you feeling better now? Who's with you? "jungkook asked.

"im feeling a tad bit better. i-i just called a maid, i miss youu" lisa said as she burry her head on the pillow. As she groan,

"i miss you more, I'll be home soon, i need to go now baby, i love you, go to sleep ok? " jungkook said lisa then nod.
."we love you more" lisa said, jungkook smiled a bit, then hang up, sighing right after.


"why's your eyes puffy? What made you cry? " jungkook asked as his eyebrow's meet, lisa then started to cry again.

"baby, stop crying, tell pup what's wrong "jungkook sais more calmer.

"ch-chaeyoung vi-visited today, w-went o-on a wa-walk, t-then this g-girl j-just s-said i look ugly cause im pregnant, do i look ugly now? Are you Gonna cheat on me? "said lisa as tears rolling down her cheeks, jungkook was furious,

"of course not baby, your still so cuteand very beautiful, who said you look ugly? Do you remember? "jungkook asked, lisa then wipe her tears.

"u-umm. . .i-it was the luna of the pack next to our's. She was really mean" lisa said as she wipe her nose.

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