Let me holla - bp ver.

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"han dul set-" jisoo started, as blackpink bowed

"annyeonghaseyo blackpink-imnida!"Blackpink greated as they sat back down.

"So. Today's episode of blackpink Diares, will be quite different right chaengie? "said jennie turning to chaeyoung who nod's as she smile widely.

"hm-hmm. Today we're gonna find out who among us four has the greatest 'game' when it come's to the boy's "chayoung said, lisa then suddenly stand as she stands and acted as if accepting an award.

"u-um i would like to thank myself for receiving such award. i thank myself for being the strongest cell when my parents fucked, y'all girl be fighting from the start" lisa said as she wipe a fake tear sobbing fakely, her unnie's brusted out laughing.

"YAH! I'LL SURELY WIN"said jennie as she slapped Lisa's thigh, lisa only snorted.

"Psh please jennie im older i have the most experience with boy's "jisoo scoffed as she cross her arm's.

"well... Im screwed"chaeyoung said as she's really never the flirtiest. She get's awkward and shy, and she start to stutter. Today's episode isn't for her at all.

"Well let's find out shall we" said lisa who was smirking

"so we get two pickup lines to say. And to know who's the winner. We have some secret judge?-even we don't get inform on who they are? "jisoo asked the director then nod.

"oh -kay got this in the bag, jisoo unnie you first since you have the most 'experience ' with boy's " said jennie as a guy entered the room going in front of them his hand's tucked in his pocket's.

Jisoo smirked and stand sexly

"hey baby daddy" jisoo greated the girl's hold on to ther laughter.

"hey there" the guy said plainly.

"Can i ask a favor? " jisoo asked the guy then nod mumbling a 'sure'

"wanna help me put 'no gag reflexe' on my resume? " said jisoo said her hand's traced the guy's biceps who just chuckel shaking his head lightly.

"no but seriously. Nice pants... How does the zipper work? "jisoo asked biting his lower lip looking at his pant's, the girl's bursted out laughing. Lisa was clinching on her stomach as she's laughing so hard.

"minus one thousand point's for jisoo!" one judge said angrily the three other just launghing at him

"perfect ten for us" taehyung said, jin only roll his eyes


"Jennie unnie's turnnn! "lisa cheered for her unnie who walk to the guy in such a cocky way.

"What's your name Boo? "jennie asked her finger tracing the guy's shoulder.

"Kyungguk " kyungguk answered.

"Great, now i know what's the name i'll be screaming tonight "said jennie said as she smirks, lazily resting on kyungguk's shoulder looking at him.

"just another question kyung baby, do you have room for an extra tounge in your mouth? "jennie asked as she tilt her head a nd went a but closer. Not minding her pinkish cheek's

"LET ME GOOOO!! IM GONNA PUNCH THAT GUYYYY!!! "taehyung screamed as jungkook, jimin and jin holding him back.

"shut up. It ain't his fault ,we're payed to sit here abd withness this torture "jin said as they try calm taehyung down


"Woahh. Do you think our boyfriends would mind? "rosé asked. The girl's was silent for a moment.

"nahhh" lisa said as she lean back to her seat.

"it's your turn chae. " said lisa, trying to change the topic. Chaeyoung stand nervously, as she gulped.

"h-hey " chaeyoung greated. Kyungguk did the same.

"u-umm. I-i like your sw-swe-sweater. Wh-what's i-it ma-made of boyfriend ma-material? "chaeyoung said, the girl's on the back face palmed.

Kyungguk. Laughed at how chaeyoung looked.

"rosé let's just stop your suffering. Come back here "jisoo said and chaeyoung almost run back to her seat face flushed red.


"YASS BABY! WOOH MY BABY BE LOYAL! "jimin said as he sighed out of relief.

The three other boy's roll there eyes.


"IT'S THE MASTERS TURN! BACK AWAY PEASANTS!"lisa joked as she stands. Walking to kyungguk.

"Hey daddy -


"she never once called me that! "jungkook said angrily


" Are you a candel? " lisa said as she looked at kyungguk up and down.
"cause you making me want to blow you" said lisa wrapping her arm's around his neck pushing a bit closer.



Jungkook just broke the pencil in half


"breathe if you want to have sex with me tonight " lisa said as she smirked.

"fuck no! " jungkook said before anyone could stop him he ran out where the staff tooked them and ran to where bp is.


"PRANPRIYAAA! "jungkook's voice echoed the room. Causing lisa to let go of the guys neck almost immediately.

"Love, it isn't what it look's like" said lisa as she's now behind jennie, jungkook glaring at her on the otherside of the table

" 'bReATh iF yOU wANna hAvE sEX' oh please! "jungkook said as he roll his eyes, lisa then bite her nail's

"i-Um... Let's take a bit of a break" jennie said awkwardly as she see's the other boy's is now interinhlg the room.


There's a heavy atmosphere around the room except for jimin and rosés side of the room, jimin can't stop talking how much he loves and his proud of his girlfriend for not giving in the temptation.

While the other three was sitting on there boyfriend's lap's, who had a blank expression, well taehyung and jin had blank expression. Jungkook looked pissed without a doubt, his hand's intertwined with lisa.

Her head leaning on the corner of his neck.

"can i borrow a kiss? You i swear i'll give it back"lisa said as she awkwardly smiled. Jungkook just glance at her and roll his eyes.

Lisa pout, as his reaction.

"is there a mirror in your pants? Causr i can see myself in your pants "lisa said as she kiss his cheek, jungkook looked at her for a few minute.

"I'll take you up on that"jungkook mumbel.


All cruise ship has a functioning morgue on boat.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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