5: teeth

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Inspired by the song 'teeth'by 5sos

'Fight so dirty, but your love's so sweet'

Im trapped, by her love.

Trapped inside the cell made by my own promises.


"WHO IS SHE?! "she screamed as she threw my phone to the wall breaking the screen to pieces, making the glass scatter every where. I just look at her blankly, sitting on the couch

"i told you-" i was cut off when she slapped me. I've grown use to it, the burning feeling of her palm, i only looked down blankly

"BULLSHIT! YOUR LYING TO ME! "lisa said once again as she kicked the coffee table making it hit the wall, thw vase on top of it also breaking.

"im not lying to you. Here you go again. I told you once and i'll tell you again. SHE'S. JUST. MY. FRIEND"i said firmly looking up at her ,my hand's clasped together, she has tears running down her face as she glare at me.

Such an angelic beautiful face, such a alluring body. Which captured my foolish heart,

"FRIEND?! A FRIEND THAT WANNA FUCK YOU?! TSK! YOU LIKE HER TO HUH?! " she said once again accusing me .i sighed deeply rolling my eyes

"don't start-"i was cut of by her

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! GET OUT FROM HERE! STAY AWAY! "she said my hand cleanched. My jaw clenched

"Pushing me away again? Can't you just fucking trust me?! I-"i was cut off wheb she slapped me again causing me to stand. She looked at me with a deadly glare

"Best friend my ass jungkook. Get the fuck away from me you cheating bastard, your just like your father, it's in the blood i guess "she said firmly, my fist flinched wanting to get my hand's on her but i stopped myself, because of one reason only

I love her, Blindly

"you want me to go. FINE" i said as i just walk out the house. I scream out of frustration and anger.

When did start to go down hill? When did it start to be so toxic? When did my angel turn to this devil? When did i become this stupid?


'every little lie gives me butterflies'


bro how many times do we have to tell you. If your not happy anymore. Then there's no use on staying with her" namjoon hyung said as im with my hyungs in a local club ,

"yeah. I know my girlfriend is her friend but. . . Aren't you tired? Kook she's toxic"jimin hyung said as they all looked at me with pity. I just look down on my drink as i sigh.

Don't they think im well aware of that?, i know everything there saying, im very much aware of it. But the thing is i love her to much.

"i know hyung "i answered quickly. I can feel them all looking at me.

"why won't you just. . . Leave? " yoongi hyung said, causing me to chuckel lowly.

"remember when i last tried? " i said glancing over to him.


I sat beside her, as she's laying on the hospital bed, her lip's pale, the scar on her wrist make's my heart ache.i look at her doll like face, she look's almost lifeless. And it's all my fault.

I kiss her cheek closing my eyes.

"i love you" i mumbel as i made our foreheads touch.

All i did was end the relationship in thought that it would be for the best of us. But not even a day goes by as i recive a call saying she tried to kill herself.

"no you don't "i heard her say causing me to look at her as she turned the other way.

"i do. Never do that again alright? "i said in a scolding tone. As i back away looking at her sideview.

"then never leave me again "she answered, causing me to sigh deeply.

"baby-"i was cut off by her.

"You won't leave again. Right kookie? "she said as she turned to me tears fall from the corner of her eyes. Lower lip quivering.

"i won't. I promise " i said causing a small smile curved on her lip's. I then lean in and kiss her forehead.

"i love you"i mumbel sweetly.

"i love you more"she responsed


"i told you. You shouldn't have given in. When will you learn"i heard yoongi hyung sigh. I was about to say something when i feel slender arm's wrapped around my neck. Her head burry on the crock of my neck as i hear her faint sob's.

"im sorry "she said causing my heart to foolishly flutter. She sounds so vulnerable, so sad. That it make's my heart ache.

I then met eyes with taehyung hyung. Who just shake his head. But i just look away.

My hand to her hand, intertwined it with mine. I heard them groan. I know they want the best for me but...

I can't stop myself. And i honestly i don't think i want to.

"it's ok. Shh stop crying " i said as i made her sit on my lap. Her head still burried on the crock of my head.

"your stupid" jimin hyung mouthed as we met eyes i only look away from him.

Lisa looked up at me as wipe her tears.

"don't talk to her anymore ok? I don't like her "she said her eyebrows met, i then crees her cheek as i peck her forehead.

"will you stop being jealous? "i asked she then pout.

"fine. I'll trust you ,just... Don't hangout with her without telling me"she said. I know she's lying but... It still give me hope that she'll actually stick to her words.

"ok baby. I'll do what you say. I love you"i said pecking her forehead. She smiled as she peck my lip's

"i love you more"she said happily.

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