between you and me 2

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chapter 2

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chapter 2


i looked at to bailey.

"What?! now you'll gonna stare at me?!
I , I know you're confused, and so am I. So just answer that damn phone call. I'm right here Kaycee."

Well, i can't escape this at all.



"Yes? this is Kaycee speaking." i answered

flashback ends.....


Joshua's POV

I don't know if i'll be still alive or not tomorrow. But all i know is that i'm curious of what will gonna happen after this.  And here i am, stuck with furious Miss Luna.

   You may call me coward, but Miss Luna is the owner of this school. She has the power and all.

   And as far as i know,  Miss Luna is also the adviser of this Theater club.  And now, she wanted me to contact Kaycee to replace Claire.

   But why would she contact Kaycee, she was the one that pulled out kaycee in this club.

"Use my phone, to contact Kaycee. I have her number registered here" Miss Luna said so to me

   She lend her phone towards me, and my hands are still trembling cold and i'm sweating a lot.

"Ye-yes Maam"
           ugh, why am i in this situation?  but i still accept the phone

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