authors note

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    hey there!!! sorry for the convinience, but i want to tell you all that. I thank you all for supporting , loving and reading my story. Chapter 9 is very short, i'm sorry..
   Honestly I have a slight problem and I'm emotionally not okey. So making the next chapter is very hard for me right now. I've been crying for hours, I can't share to all of you why. My head is occupied already to something else. And it affects if i'll stressed my head more if i'll push my self to update another chapter. But this will not take any longer.

   I just wanted you all to know that classes also resumes. So i'll be very busy but i'll do my best to continue this story i started. Hope you all enjoy your day.

   And if the viewers of this story reached 1000 and the votes will reached 150 , i'll continue and update a chapter directly. ❤️

Thank you all.. i just need to rest, i'm stressed and at the same time tired❤️

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