between you and me 49

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 chapter 49

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chapter 49

Sean's POV

I'm here sitting in a very silent and calming place. Feeling the mix of cold and warm breeze of air that tingles my skin. I look at to the surroundings, i felt happy at the same time hurt. Everyone in here are now in peace and free. It's been a month since the last accident. A month had passed but feels like yesterday. Who would have thought it would end heartbreaking, Betrayal, forgiveness and messy. And up until now, I cannot process and accept the fact that why this everything would happen in our lives. Part of me blaming for myself i didn't protect you. But i know you don't want me to feel like that. Who would have thought that it would be our last hug, i should have embrace you in my arms tighter and show more my appreciation and love to you. A tear escaped from my eyes then I close my eyes.

Slowly i reach out to you, holding your precious name engraved and written in your own grave stone. It breaks me seeing your name here then buried you deep to the ground. But i'm fully aware in myself you are completely safe to everything and to everyone . We didn't spend so much time together and to everyone. It hurts like hell, and my tears kept falling. I open my eyes and look at her own grave, and i started to cry and sob. "How are you up there?!" between my sob and silent cry i spoke. Even though no one would answer that. "You missed so much memories everything in here" my throat felt dry and i cannot speak anymore. It's been 2 weeks i kept on going here in the cemetery, bringing her favourite white lily flowers.

I felt someone tap my shoulder behind me "You'll be forever here in our hearts, Luna. It breaks but we are trying our best to accept everything" i hold her hand into my arms and i seek comfort from Kaycee. Yes, you read it right. Luna died in the accident and the good news is that Kaycee survived. She's still healing from her wound. And when she finally discharged from the hospital, we visited here in the cemetery nonstop. Kaycee kneeled behind me and embraced me, She gave a kiss in my head and continued to talk to the grave of Luna. "We miss you so much, we love you so much. Thank you for letting us two comeback to each other. We might have so many fights before but God knows how i love you as an elder sister. Me and Sean will promise you that we'll fight for each other and grew well as a dancer, professional and partner. It hurts, but we are happy you are safe now." as she finished her words. I smiled and look at to her. Luna i promised you between life and death i'll protect kaycee for you and to everyone. We will not let go each other. i will treasure her and love her as long as i'm alive and 'til i die.

we stayed silent for a moment and i remember that we still have things to do in our class.
"We need to go" i told kaycee and she agreed. "We will be safe Luna" we stood up and i look back to her grave and bid our goodbyes. We walk towards the car and we climb in. "you okey now Sean?" i look at to kaycee who is buckling her seatbelt beside me. "i'm more than okey when the woman that i love is here close to me" i smiled to her and she giggled and pinched my cheek. "ow, stop it. I love you too Babe" she replied .. "when you will say yes to me..... Oh!! SHIT!! you just said BABE?! IS THAT A YES?!" i was shock when i realized her words, and by that she just nod at me smiling ear to ear. When we where still in the hospital i confessed to her and ask her to be my girlfriend and she didn't gave me an answer and both of our family laughed at us. But now, she said YES, not the eaxct word yes but she agreed and say yes .. Argh. you know what u mean. And without stopping me, i pull her close to me and i kiss her lips. She closed her eyes and so do i. Bursts of happiness, affection, love and passionate in our kiss. We stopped and let our heads rest facing each other. "I love you" i said to her.. "i love you too" she chuckled . And i drive down the rode and went to the University.

Bailey's POV

"what took them so long?" Jaeda annoyingly said then crossed arms. ugh.. Obviously those two are late. Minute by now the class will start. The whole university was hurt when they knew Luna died. Even me, Jaeda and Ken. Everyone is hurt especially Dani. She's been emotionally and mentally broke. For the mean time, Sarah, Serris and Kylie are handling the university since this school is huge and so much stuff to do. Dani is taking cared by Miya and Laura. Many stuff happened in a month.

"just wait Jaeda, they'll be here. I think they went again to the cemetery." i replied to her and she just sighed. We are already here inside the room, with Jaeda, Ken, Josh, Karan, Anoosha and Elen. Speaking of friends. We didn't expect Andrea and Alexa betrayed us. But after the incident, Their parents went to us and talk to out things and gave the reason why Andrea and Alexa betrayed us. There family was held captive and experience death threats. So both of them was forcely to do such thing. At first we are angry, but when we heard their side of story. We are surprised at the same time felt sorry to our friends. They didn't betrayed us intentionally, they were threatened. After that, Kaycee and Sean went to Andrea and Alexa's families. They offer to help them and gave a proper burial to their friend. Ofcourse there are a lot of tears shed and sorrows. I snapped out from my senses when Ken spoke.

"Ohh..dang, the lovely couple is here!" ken tease someone and i look up, it's kaycee and sean walking while holding hands. OMG cuties. but both of blushed when ken tease them. DON'T TELL ME? i look at to my friends and we where like (/O_O/)(\ O_O\)

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! SEAYCEE IS REAL!!" and we screamed on top of our lungs, even the boys. And both of them just laugh at us. woah!! for real

A/N: 🥺so sorry for the short update.
who thought kaycee died? 🤣 HAHAHA got you!! thank you guys for reading and supporting. love you guys❤️ please don't forget to hit vote . keep safe 🙌🏻✨

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