between you and me 39

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chapter 39

Jaeda's POV

we are near now in the University.. the moment was silent, while bailey is driving and i look at to kaycee at the back and she's spacing out.

"kayC.. hey, you okey?" i startled her and she slowely look up on me and smiled.

"Ye-yeah, i'm okey. I just can't process everything today." i just sighed and turn back my head infront.

"everything will be fine kaycee" Bailey interupt.. and i nod at her then she gave me a half sad and half smile. Kaycee didn't say anything. we just let her breathe ..

"we're here!" bailey announced in a sudden. She parked the care here in the the school grounds. Well technically, it has parking spots not just pure grass and trees. I was taking off my seatbelt when we heard another car parked beside bailey's car.

"Jaeda" it was ken, and he's with sean. i smiled at him and i look again to kaycee.. "Sean..." kaycee called lewis real name. She is staring at him with a sad face. Damn watching this scene is so heartbreaking. . it was the longest silence i ever had in my entire life. Sean look at kaycee when she called her. We didn't even noticed someone also arrived

"so? what now? is this a staring contest? or calling out name challenge? hey, people of the world. back to your senses, someone's life is in danger" it's Julia.. yeah, you read it right. Argh.. still the same old annoying Julia. I rolled my eyes to her and Bailey just laughed at it.. Julia just make a "whatever-look" ..Kaycee and Sean startled and blinked several times. We get off from the car and shaked my head.

i knew julia for so long.. You might remember when i was so furious when Julia named kaycee a Whore and Bitch. I meant.. i knew exactly what is her intention, i was just caught off guard by that. So i laughed in the end of it knowing it was just a show.

"we should get going, Luna might be waiting for us" Bailey said to us and we agreed.

"i like that Bails.. rather than earlier. Let's go?" Julia clung to Bailey's arm.. See? annoying childish brat. tss.. Ken just tap my right shoulder and laugh a bit. Then we walk with sean and kaycee who is infront of us that is super silent.

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