between you and me 34

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please vote and enjoy the story❤️  follow these IG accounts: (official accounts)@chaarrming09@seanlew@kayceericeofficial

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  chapter 34

Someone's POV

enjoy the days you two spent together, as long as i'm not captured and still alive. I will not stop trying to kill you two. How tragic this two are, having no memories and their love ones are protecting them. Pitiful to watch but it's interesting and intense. But they'll never know when i'll take a step again and waste lives.  You'll never know.

( this person is holding a picture of sean and kaycee , pointing a dagger in each of the faces. and burned it like hell)

what mine is mine, and will never be yours...

Julia's POV

  okey, i'm here right now in the underground office of this university. Yes i'm a dancer also but that's not my priority for now. The entire staffs of this school knew who i am, we just hid it as a secret. First i know you all are so freakin confused why Sean hate me. Well, back in china i did not know Sean is, we attend the same class and events also with Ken. And I kinda fall inlove to him and when Luna told me about that we are cousins and who are the prents of sean, i was caught off guard and meet some guys to act out that it is my "boyfriend" and that's why Sean hate me.  i just make it short for everyone.

I'm Julia L. Rodrigues. L stands for Lew.. Our family has a legal and illegal stuffs.  We are powerful and dangerous. A mafia and assassin blood to be more precise. but not the family of Lewis or Sean. They do the legal stuffs. Death threats are always common for us. but the situation about Sean and kaycee to years ago, frightened me. Why?! because that person is not easy to find, which meant he/ she is powerful also. i've been searching that person for a year right now. And not even a leading clue for us, NOTHING and that frustrates me. And yeah we do have underground office here in the university. The LEW family or our parents and our grandparents build this with the help of the RICE family, before when we are not yet born in this world.  i know it's weird but the LEW and RICE already had a bond for thousands of years by now. Only Sean and Kaycee didn't know about this, and yes they're the last heiress of the entire kingdom for the both of them. It's weird but that's the truth. I need to get back of my work and i know that person is watching the two of them and making a plan.

Lewis's POV

Everyone is enjoying performing, Kaycee went outside for a minute to change clothes. Okey, the funny thing here is that we kinda create a hoodie with a 'LEWSER' and 'WEIRDO' printed in it. We kinda agreed and like it and decide to create a merch with it. not for now, Maybe..

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