between you and me 28

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  chapter 28

Kaycee's POV

Did i woke up? .. it's seems not, I don't know where i am today. But it seems i'm in bed. but i felt someone is combing my hair. The warm feeling and it felt like i recognize this touch. only Sean would do it for me, only him. he knew me the most, combing my hair with his hands makes me calm. Did he show himself ? did he came for me, did he knew that i needed him. i need to talk, i need to move my hand to touch his face if it is really him, i need to tell him that i miss him.. but.. but i can't move even my fingertips.

"i-is.. tha-at y-you... Se-sean?"    i know it's not loud enough to hear it but atleast to assure it was him and i tried my best to speak. i hope it is him. God if it is him, please don't let him go away to me right now.

i'm clueless , he stop stroking my hair. Should i wake up now? I'm scared if he's gone again, please no. Sean..

i'm half asleep and half awake, but it felt like i'm unconciously awake. the next thing i knew. He embraced me, Sean. is that really you?  this embrace from yours meant it's you right?  Sean... i missed you a lot.. i love you..   and a tear escaped

he started to hum.. i can hear it, my heart melt.. the song is That's what love is.. it is really you Sean.. we sang always this music..   i'll never let you go,.. not ever again.. 

Lewis's POV

  1 month just passed, i started already to investigate secretly. Kaycee is okey now, she's happy and jolly and a little bit disappointed when she woke up from the last time she passed out. I don't know what is the reason but She's with her friends today. I drove her to Bailey's house. We where singing and laughing all the time in our travel. I'm invited also but i said to them, i'll be right back i just need to go somewhere. and they understand, and maybe i'll go buy some drinks for everyone.

you might wonder where i'll be going.
well.. to my private investigator. i'm nervous and scared for what information i would get, and at the same time happy and excited because i really wish kaycee is in it. To confirm my guesses.

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