Live with you 1

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chapter 21

Kaycee's POV

Lewis is okey right now, that was the doctor said to us. He just need to rest and enough sleeep. Good thing i let him sleep back earlier when he woke up and that gives me a relief. Thank goodness.

I am here in the living room with Miss Luna. She seems busy contacting someone. Maybe it's her work. while Jaeda and Ken assist the Doctor to go home. We thanked him with his help. The others are still in the dining area, eating what Lewis made. Wait... that reminds me Lewis did not eatten yet.

"Kaycee.. Miss Luna, join us here.Lewis cooked food earlier before he passed out. It would be a waste if we don't eat this" Andrea called us. I'll just eat later, and i look at to Miss Luna to say 'go there'. I know we have problems between each other but i don't want somone to be out of place.

  She smiled to me then went to the dining area where others are. I went to the kitchen to grab the tray and some plates, glass, and some utensils. I know what you are thinking, and yes, i'm preparing food for Lewis.

"is that for Lewis, KC?" bailey asked me while he get some water from the ref. I nodded as a response.

"As Lewis came in our life, i noticed that you're slowly coming back what is really you kaycee. just saying" Bailey said after he drank some water. Then she went to the counter placing her hands in the counter table then watching me preparing some food.

"i really don't know what you're talking about bails.. but i'm just being a good friend. If this will  happen to you, i'll do the same thing" i replied to her. what i said is true, if her or others which are my friend is not okey i would really help. But what part of it that changes me?

"i will not argue with you about that okey?! i'm just saying what i noticed . stating what i see through my eyes and feel from your smiles. You should eat up okey? Double the meal you'll bring upstairs join Lewis instead. it's 1pm already" bailey stand up. I know she is just being a good friend to me, but seriously i really don't know what she is saying all about. But i get the idea that i should eat up.

"thanks bailey for sticking with me, got it" i replied to her sincerely.

"yeah. hahaha just get that done and go up there already!" she laughed then said her bye's because she'll join the others also.

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