between you and me 16

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shout out to my friend Sean_kaycee1234 ❤️✨ she also have a story here in wattpad titled "GOT IT" , go read and support her also❤️ love you all.....


chapter 16

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chapter 16

Lewis's POV

I lend my hand in front to offer a hand shake to kaycee as a seal of agreement. And OBVIOUSLY i can sense she don't wanna and forced to do so.   Neither the way, she accepted it and hand shaked.

"Miss Kaycee Caitlin Rice, I'm Charles Lewis from now on i'll be in your care" I smiled at her with all sincerity.

"i guess so" she replied to me, and what makes me shocked is that she smiled back.
   we did not let go each of our hands..

I don't know what just happened? i felt different as i hold her hand, it is so soft and calm to me and when she smiles everything that surrounds us is in slow motion. Sparkles and glitters in sync with the beauty infront of me.  I don't have no guts to let go of her hand. It feels like the hand and the smile seems so familliar to me. But who cares right now...

"okey children, you can stop holding each other hands now. A party is now waiting for us." miss Luna suddenly spoke. she was laughing and excitedly walk to the door so we can leave alltogether i guess.

  and my spacing out was completely gone in just a snap. Whut?! did i day dream or something to this girl? whut? did i say beauty? geez what am i crazy?? Charles Lewis you gotta come back to your senses. that woman is a tigress and she's not a beauty.. take note of that.

"i know i'm pretty, you don't need to be mesmerized about it." i startled as kaycee leaned on me that fast and get closer to my left ear to whisper. the door is in behind me and miss Luna exited already hyping out.

"wha--" i was ready to protest again to her but she put her index finger in her left hand to stop my mouth to say something.

"sshh.. You don't need to deny it, don't be so obvious Mr. Lewis" she added and whispered it in my ear again.

  i wanted to say something, but i don't what just happened to my own mouth and own body . it is not cooperating to me. damn!  She slowly leaned back and she did not even get her finger in my lips.

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