Between you and me 50

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7:15 am
Kaycee's POV

*stretch arms* goodmorning. today is a lovely day. I slowly open my eyes and get up.  It's been a year from everything we've been through. It was not the best year ago but atleast we make it. 

I'm 18 and sean is 20 now, we celebrated it year ago and it was super fun. And about the stuff of our clan and heiresses , me and sean opposes to it yet. Because we wanted that it would be announced when i turned  20 and also that both of us should be prepared. So we took some practices and mentors about it. We want to make sure that we are ready and capable of handling things.

wait. did i forgot something? i turn my head to my side and i see an empty space. Wait.. i do forgot something today. I stand up and arrange my bed. Later on as i finished i went up straight to my mini table with my calender and planner notebook. Oh my God, it is today!!

i walk up straight to the shower room and took a bath, to freshen up my whole body. And ofcourse i brushes my teeth.  I need to do fast, as soon as i finish my self in the bathroom.  I'm picking and grabing any outfit that i'm comfortable to wear it.  It doesn't need to be flashy, i want a simple yet humble outfit.

"Babe, goodmorning . i already make ... our... b-b-breakfa-fast"  awkward!! i didn't notice that Sean came inside here while i'm in my whole  body naked holding some of my clothes that i picked and tried to wear them. I look at to sean and he's blushing so bad and so am i. As everything process in my head, i shrinked and get down on my knees and  tried to cover my body with some of the clothes i'm holding.

"Kaycee..." and again i didn't notice he came towards me and brought something to cover me. I look into his eyes and face, the genuine and honest eyes. He just smiled at me and stand me up and he embrace me. My body even my arms are wrapped around the cloth he covered to me. So my face is facing his chest. 

warm and comfortable.. and i like his smell so much, it really feels like home. I look up to him and said "thank you" i smiled brightly at him and he replied "always sunshine, but becareful next time. i'm a man of needs,  I might not control my self next time, but i respect you and love you" he said to me while hugging me and swaying lightly our body. i just smiled and just hummed my reply to him. 

He kissed my head and let go of me, and i poutted. "you silly, do you feel too comfortable in my embrace?" he said to me while i'm poutting and nod at him as a response. he chuckled and gave me a quick kiss in my lips. A little taste of sweetness from this man . "dress up Babe or i'll rape you here. i can feel your nipples in my chest and look you're giving me a boner" his voice is husky whispering to my ears. i look at down to him and heck, he's not joking. I think my face turns red and  covered more of my body especially my breast. I squeled and pushed him out of the door and he just laugh at me.

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