between you and me 38

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so before you'll read the continuation of the story. i want to announce something that.
I made another book titled THE RING:    <<< i attached already the link so you can check it out. Donmt forget to click vote. And if views reach 100  and 20 votes. 2 chapters of it will be published❤️ love you all.

  chapter 38

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  chapter 38

Ken's POV

  I'm going to Kaycee's house because for sure Sean is there and i need to talk with him. When kaycee was still unconcious,  me and Jaeda discussed already that the sooner the better we should gonna tell the truth . Let the elders itself talk to them and explained everything rather than us and will make it more complicated.

I arrived and park my car infront of the gate. instead of ringing the door bell, i called sean.

"dude, i'm here outside" that's a relief he answered it. And he replied "i'm going" . then sean end the call..  in just a minute he open the door. I was about to greet him but when i look at him, he's in total mess.. what a shocker

"dude, we have a problem" that's the first 5 words he said to me after he open the door. And he continued to talk ..

"Dani?! my manager. i mean my cousin!!! she's gone and by means of gone, she's kidnap!" and by that, my eyes open wide like an Egg.

"WHAT?!!" yeah, i exaggerate a little bit. But When this mess will gonna stop??? Now dani is in Danger.

"no need to explain ken, i need your help" he frankly yelled a little bit. and that startled me.

"Okey, okey i know. i'll call Jaeda to inform her but first clean yourself Sean. You're in a mess.. and hurry a little dude, Kaycee will be there also"  i told him and he just nod and scratch his head. His reaction was confuse when i called him "sean" and he just shake his head after and he smiled a bit when he heard 'kaycee' .. yeah, that give me a punch in reality.. It seems he recovered his memories i guess. cool..

Sean went back upstairs and i call Jaeda ...

"Jaeda?! we have a bigger problem!!" and i hear Jaede gasped in shock. 

well here goes nothing...

Lewis's POV

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