between you and me 26

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chapter 26

Ken's POV

this is a mess.. a big mess.. did she hear it all ?!

"Ken, what is happening?! explain" kaycee seems confused.  I look at to Luna and she just nod at me and she went outside.

"KEN! you are my friend, answer me!! Do you know who is sean?  a-are you sean?" kaycee is now starting to out of her control. i.. i need to answer her.  WHAt?! i'm not sean, did she misheard it earlier?

"kayc, calmdown.. okey?! alright i'll explain to you, everything i knew" well i can't hide this anymore, not until now..

"Yes, i knew sean and no i'm not sean" i started to talk to her and she seems relief...  i know kaycee you expected it to be lewis.. and which is you're right. Even from the start you always choose him over me and i understand that. I'm not him and will never be him.

"Since we where little kaycee, we knew each other. Me, you and sean. the three of us can't be separated. We three danced a lot, played everyday and night and anything. Our parents where best buddies before that's why mostly of our lives we grew the three of us. I know you don't remember it because of the accident 2 years ago. But i remember it all. Before the accident, My dad which is one of your favourite tito droved for the two of you because i was hospitalized that time. I got sick and you two wanted to visit me and you said that you wanna let me meet your new friend named jaeda" i paused and take a second to breathe, Kaycee is listening while her head down and i'm getting emotional as i continue to talk.

"My dad, drove you two right? i was patiently waiting at the hospital and excitedly cannot wait to see you two, and a new friend. While i was waiting i fell asleep, later on as i woke up. I see mom crying, she saw me watching her and she told me why.... M-my dad, your favourite tito di-died in that accident.. I don't know what really happen next but i was devastated, i cry a lot in my hospital bed, crying all out of my pain and it felt so messed up until now. It was said 2 cars are in accident which assumed me, the other car of your friend. Month had passed, I saw you in hospital in coma and leave the city because i can't processed the pain, i left and i don't know where sean is. But i knew that the accident? it was done in purpose. To kill you and sean...." damn it hurts until now, remembering my dad died and the shit happened long time ago. I cried and i did not hide it infront of her. I was lost.. lost my vision and tears are kept flowing in it.

looking to kaycee she is broken, silently crying also.. I know it hurts so much knowing someone died and she doesn't remember anything of it.

"i'm sorry for not remembering your father,.. i trully am! i felt your pain but knowing now in your part what happened it just let me think that i should not be alive right now. Lives where gone because of me.. I trully am sorry for everything.. i really do and i hope you would forgive me. but any chance? do you know where sean is?" kaycee was down as ever, every word she said tears drop at the same time. She hold her hand in clasp and put it in her chest uttered every single word, slowly and honest. But hearing her words blaming herself for everything what a big impact of pain it is.

"No.. it's not your fault, neither sean.. No ones fault is that. There is a suspect but until now there's no lead to it. That's why i came here for asking to Luna if there is any update. Don't blame yourself, your tito would not be happy about it. Don't do that to yourself. To feel what my pain is enough. And kaycee, I'm not sure if it is him..
         but you should find him in yourself, it is you to find out. who knows if he is just right next to you" I embrace kaycee so she would calm down. And hush her and rub her back slowly..

between her sobs she said
" i missed him a lot" i'm sorry kaycee but you should find out to yourself. I'm not in my right place to tell you where and who he is. And it is the right thing to do so your memories would comeback. Yes this would be hard

Kaycee's POV

my heart and mind can't handle everything i've known today. This is too much to handle, lives where wasted because of the accident. Ken's Dad is gone and i know there are also who died in that event. It felt like i'm stabbed in my heart a thousand times.

And to think, i did not remember Ken who was my childhood friend. That hurts even more. He knew me all along and i don't remember him. not a little bit. And he just hid the pain he felt all this time.

"kaycee, i texted them that you need to go home and where we are. But please this is only 'between you and me'. don't tell anyone about it. understand?" i just nodded at him as a reply and i can't still stop from crying, between you and me, just like what me and sean promised.. such powerful words

"hush now kaycee, stop crying.. i'm here your childhood friend, i'm always here" i buried my face in his chest and continue crying. But every tear has limit, i cried and cried until i fell asleep..

Jaeda's POV

  we are still in class. But this bitch Julia got some nerves earlier. If i did not control myself not just slap she would recieve, but it's too complicated to againts her, she was born with the blood of mafios.

"Okey class dismissed!" Sir Will announced to us and everyone grab our own things.  my phone rang and it's a message from ken.

(1) from: Ken

Jaeda, i'm here at Luna's Office with kaycee. she caught me and Luna talked about 2 yrs ago and  i told her my story and she need SEAN right now

(2) from: Ken

guys, Kaycee needs help where @Miss Luna's office..

everyone of us checked our phones except for sean. i balled up my fist in anger, i knew we can't hide it this long.. Kaycee just hold on. i look at to lewis which is kept staring to the unoccupied chair of kaycee. *sigh*

i called him, and he look at to me.

"check your phone, it's kaycee.."

and he rushed when he read it..

go get her Sean...

A/N:  ken's dad died two years ago :( .. what's next revelation? opinions?  hope you like it guys, take care everyone. don't forget to vote ❤️❤️

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