between you and me 43

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 chapter 43

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chapter 43

Julia's POV

several hours just passed. We started to plan things out. Base on the text Sean recieved, the location Samantha gave is different. It is where Samantha will capture Sean and be with her with force. Luckily i was able to locate the real address and place where Samantha is. And i'm trying to hack Dani's phone.

Bailey is okey now, they let her rest and put her on bed upstairs where the guest rooms are. Ken   Is there to make sure Bailey is safe. Jaeda is with me and Luna.  The rest are all in the living room area, waiting for sean and kaycee to go out and with all high hopes that both of them is okey and specially Kaycee.

it is already 4:25 pm here and we want to make a move tomorrow evening. We are here beside the living room. a small corner office. Yeah just the corner. Because the real office is where Kaycee and Sean is. Jaeda and Luna is in the table with the blue print that i hacked and printed it to Samantha's Hideout. You bitch!! wait till we'll see each other, i'm gonna rip your head off and hang it around .

"Julia, is it too risky? we are outnumbered compared to the men of Samantha?" Jaeda asked me, oh. i just shake my head and realized she didn't knew about something. i just smiled at her and she's confused.

"we have help Jaeda, tomorrow morning you'll know. They'll be here and you'll probably be surprised. And Julia, does the two girls are coming?" Luna explained it in behalf of me to Jaeda. I just said "yes, they'll be here also tomorrow morning" Luna just nod and Jaeda is confused.

I just rolled my eyes and told her "Paula Chaves and Monika Dawkins is coming, Jaeda" and by that. her eyes widened. "SERIOUSLY? NO JOKE RIGHT?" i gave her a thumbs up while i'm still tapping this keyboard.

"OMG" i just laugh a bit and Luna interupt "now, back to our work Jaeda. You'll see them tomorrow" I heard Luna said it and i just focused myself here in this 5 screens infront of me.

it was silent , when i heard someone shouts
"KAYCEE!" i turn my head and see Kylie run towards Sean and Kaycee who are holding hands. And gave a big hug to Kaycee. And so as the rest did. It seems they talked and clear things out. Now i'll do my part and fucking finish this.

Kylie's POV

i'm here in the kitchen counter with Serris and Sarah. I'm locking my Gaze to the door of the office where kaycee and sean is. "blink sometimes Kylie, you're eyes are starting to get red" i heard Sarah said to me. and as i tried to blink. OW, my eyes is burning. .. i just let out a sigh after that and played the straw it is in my iced coffee.

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