between you and me 25

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chapter 25

Lewis's POV

someone is shaking me, ughh.. i wake up and it's actually kaycee. wait there's a teacher already? i sit up straight and gaze my eyes infront ... ... WHAT THE CRAP SHE'S DOING HERE? did she follow me?

"My name is Will i'm your homeroom teacher in this class and so today, before we start we have a new student specifically a transferee from china.. please introduce young lady" i did not mind what the teacher says but what is she doing here? when did she arrived? does she knew where i'm living? Who told her I'm here? WHY IS SHE HERE??

As i am looking at her she look at to me with a smile.. no it's totally a smirk plastered in her face. then She waved at me i just gave a slight smile.

"Hi everyone, i'm Julia Rodrigues just call me Julia. Hope we could be friends" she introduced herself and smiled to everyone. and suprisingly she locked her gaze to me and i know what she meant for that, wanna play games with me? then i smiled to her dangerously.

i felt someone who is looking at me, and i turned my head... it's kaycee, with a hurt eyes. What no... She noticed that i look back to her she suddenly put her head down and talk to Jaeda

"Bitch" i heard Jaeda whispered. that shocked me.

"thank you Miss Rodrigues, you can now sit wherever you like" the teacher said to her.  I didn't bother to look at her anymore, it just annoyed me.. She was my friend and became my lover in the past but she cheatted in  me.

I just hear her footsteps maybe she's finding a seat, i just look out to the window not caring for her.

"Get up, i'll seat here!" my eyes widened when I heared Julia said her line like a boss. And what makes more shocking is that she was talking to.....  kaycee.

"can't you hear me? i said, i'll seat here so you go there" now that makes me angry, i was supposed to reply to her but in a sudden Kaycee stands up and face her and looked at Julia eyes as deadly as she is. She's like placing daggers to Julia, and i see that  it scares her.

"Why would i? do you own this chair, do you own this place?" kaycee replied with  taste of bitterness. i look at to Jaeda who is half smilling, she knew her friend. and the other's  stand up because they think something might happen.

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