between you and me 31

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chapter 31

Kaycee's POV

Today is Friday!! yes and every friday their would be no class but we have an activity. Which is to create our own dance cover or video. And because we are partners with Lewis the Lewser.. pfftt.. that nickname to him is really funny.. back to the real deal,  me and Lewis are now partners we are directly assigned to each other, and we don't have any  againts of it. 1. because he's one of my close friends, 2. we live in the same roof, and 3. I would not deny this but we have this compatibility between each other.

  Well, i'm here in the living room watching some cartoons.. do not judge me, cartoons are still the best and will always be hahahaha. I'm here laying in the couch with some bowl of strawberries. Currently waiting for Lewis to come down since it's almost 11:30 and we need to decide what food we need to cook. One fact about to my self, is that i don't know how to decide "INDECISIVENESS" that really kills me. That's the reason i want a help from Lewis.

Phineas and Ferb is playing right now in the tv. This time where they went to another dimention. Oohh, i remember this. This was a lot of fun and heartaches. Phineas and Ferb were able to know that perry is a secret agent, and that really hurts for Phineas and Ferb because they think Perry doesn't trust them. But Perry has a reason why he didn't tell them because if they'll knew about his true identity he will went to another household who doesn't know him.. I say, trust is very important in this world, it's not easy to give a trust to anyone, It needs process and days even months to give that. But it is the easiest to break. And when it is broken into pieces, It would not be easy to put it back in to one. Gosh, Disney never fails to please us. This makes me cry...

i was busy watching when someone covered my eyes, arghh.. i know it's Lewis Because he's the only one living with me here. But i was froze when he talk.

"guess who is this?" wait.. not Lewis? ....  NOoo... he came back? ..... just when?  i did not say a single word but i hug this man because i miss him a lot..  and  He hug me back..

Lewis's POV

i just came out from my room, and kaycee told me earlier that she'll wait for me in the living room. I finished taking a bath, and i'm hungry for real maybe Kaycee would be also. So i hurriedly went downstairs but in my surprise..
   Kaycee is hugging a man.. and she seems very happy, shows love and adore to that man.

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