between you and me 41

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 chapter 41

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chapter 41

Lewis's POV

kaycee?? i suddenly get up from the couch and hurriedly went to the room where kaycee and bailey are. "i'll go" two words i said to everyone. They are all worried, especially both of our family..

My mind is kinda messy right now, and i'm in pain also. My brain is battling me how to handle everything without messing things up. But in my heart, where kaycee is.. i love her, i trully love her. That's all i've known before and after my memories came back. and if she's in pain, the feeling she have doubled it within me.

I crashed to the door, and i saw bailey is crying hard in the side while hugging both of her knees . And kaycee is lying down the floor. I carry kaycee in a bridal style and lay her down in the couch. She's unconscious but still breathing ..

"are you okey bailey? stop crying, what happened?" i went to her and let her calm down. But instead she cried louder and it breaks to see someone that is close to you, breaking.

"KEN!!!" i screamed Ken's name.. and i hear footsteps..

"Sean.. i'm so sorry *sob*.. i'm so sorry, i'm not a good friend *sob* to you and to kaycee. I don't know what to do *sob* earlier . *sob* help her sean.. i know *sob* you're the only one that can *sob* help her *sob* it seems she's remembering something *sob* because she was holding her head * the entire time, She said *sob* it was very painful and i panicked  and doesn't know what to do *sob*" between her broken sobs and cries bailey said to me. It's her memories, are now trying to get back with all of a sudden impact. Unlike to my last experience that I regain my entire memories weren't painful. And i started to tear up again. This whole mess, shit this. I gave her a hug and right time Ken came in.

"i heard you scream my name! what's going on?" ken is panting with air, He's nervous also. I saw Jaeda came along with him. "what happen?" jaeda added.

"please.. help bailey to calm down. give her some water.. i don't know yet, but i need some time alone with kaycee" i told them and they just nod at me.

"bailey, you okey? calm down, we are here. Kaycee is fine, can you stand up? ." jaeda went to bailey thn she hug her while sayin her line. Bailey just nod and Ken, assist her to stand up. "You got this Bails.. everything is fine" ken tried to cheer her.

They went outside slowly and i went back to kaycee that is lying on the couch. i kneeled beside her and carefully rub her delicate face. Angel.. what happened to you? you know that it hurts so much when you're not okey. We didn't even talk calmly these days. We haven't clarified both of our sides.

I know myself that i'm crying right now. i'm trying to fix her hair that is covering her face. Brushing it lightly with my fingertips.. i remembered that whenever you're troubled  and feeling not oney. i hum some songs to you to calm you down. So today, i'll hum a song to you let you love me...

humming the first verse of the song, is like crushing me with stone. my tears continued to drop and i'm trying my best not to sob  between my humming. I stood up and lift her head slowly and let it rest in my lap. Then i brush her hair again, and continued to hum. I hope you're okey and i wish you're memories will come back soon, as much as possible.

sometimes i humm only the song, sometimes i sing it out with my voice. Trying to hold my cry

"My ricebowl, I haven't told you yet, how much i love you. We still have many things to discuss, between me and you. Please my angel, be okey. I missed your smile and laughter so much, the vibrant you and happy you. I miss your giggles and loud laughters you make. I miss you, the you. Memories might be important to know but what is memories if you're heart leads you already to the person that is for you." i paused talking and breathe for awhile. not trying to stop brushing your soft silky hair and watching you like you're listening to me

"I know you're deeply hurt right now, and i'm sorry for not thinking about it. Yes you left me at the house, but now.. i understand why. You where wounded so bad when you knew me and sean is the same person but memories of yours haven't come back. I'm sorry for hiding to you that i made an investigation. yet, I didn' know that the one you're looking for is me, your one and only sean. But now, i'm here. I won't leave you anymore i promise. so wake up my angel and let's talk about things, Between you and me. i love you with all my heart. Let's fulfill our promises, wake up my love, my life, my baby, my kaycee, my caitlin, my angel, my everything " after i said it to her, i kissed her forehead. My tears won't stop dripping. damn this eyes.

minutes passed or maybe hours just passed, kaycee haven't gain conciousness. I think She needs more time and i need to grab some food here so whenever she'll wake up their is food she'll able to eat up. ,

I decided that i was about to stand up, when kaycee moved and started to cry. "Kaycee? don't cry"  i instantly wiped her tears with my thumb.. "Se-sean? Sha-shamu?" my heart just skipped a beat when she called me. Did she remembered already?

So i intertwined my hands to her and said "yes.. This is your shamu, and will always be" i lift her hand and kissed it slowly without noticing my tears where falling to her hands while i kissed it. I close my eyes and cried with all my heart, when she started to move and slowly sit up and i can feel she's facing me. As i openned my eyes,

she's smiling at me ear to ear,   my angel.. came back :) 

.. i did not stopped myself from sobbing and she slowly cupped my face with her both hands. I smiled at her while my tears are still dripping. I hold her hands that is in both of my cheecks and rub it slowly, just to feel that my angel came back. "you remember everything now?" and she just nod at me happily.. And that makes me even more reason to cry, and i closed my eyes again and pulled her closer to me, our nose touched already and our foreheads rest to each other..

"now, let's discussed everything before anything else, sean"she said to me and i just nod at her as a response

"I love you" i sincerely said to her between our nose poking each other, she was stunned from the words i uttered and yet she smiled and replied "i love you too"

i smiled bigger than ever and she added something "just, between you and me?" and without hesitation "just.. between you and me" then we hug each other.


well thank you guys for waiting. loveyou all so much, stay safe❤️✨

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