between you and me 48

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WARNING: a lot of shifting of POV's

☺️ have fun!

☺️ have fun!

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chapter 48

Location 1 (9:55 pm)
20minutes left (bomb)
Kaycee's POV

"Luna , there is a problem in the 2nd location. we can't connect to them" Josh said to Luna which makes her to come closer and look at the screen.  "Luna, the trackers also are close to each other, my question is that why they are close to ech other? sometimes the rod dots here in the screen collide then later on in a sudden be far away. it's weird, it's like they're fighting. but these two dots, they are just stable and didn't move a bit. And i tried to connect to them but i can't reach" this time Elen talked.

"Fuck!!! someone betrayed us!! they fooled us" as i heard Luna' realization i immediately felt nervous and start to sweat cold. No, so the plan is ruined?!! "no wait, julia knows what to do if something bad would happen. i trust her, but who would betray us?!" i believe to Luna's opinion, Julia would never betray us, she's one of the closest family clan.

But i'm starting to feel panick attacks. Oh my God, i need to calm down. I reach out to one of the chairs but i slipped and fall down. "kaycee! you okey?!" Luna approached me and i just nod at her, ouch my butt hurts. But while i'm in the floor layed down, i saw something i shouldn't see one. My eyes widened and Luna confused from my reaction. I stood up in he sudden and turned off the lights. Everyone startled from my action, And i'm not mistaken, "Luna, i just saw a tiny light, and it seems a Bomb"  i told her and look at to her eyes, she was shock and followed me where i'm looking. Under the middle table attached here in the van, there is a light that is blinking every second.

Location 2 (10:00 pm)
15 minutes left (bomb)
Julia's POV

"julia, in case of emergency push the button in your bud, i customed you that one so as Sean. You two have a different Bud. Once you pushed that button, it will sends us a warning sign and i placed a mini gun of yours in your pocket no one know that, just in case. understand? "   i remembered what Luna said to me. I was about to push the button but Alexa pulled a trigger on me, good thing i dodge it.  "you might forgot Alexa...  that i'm the one who personally trained you two" as i said to them i jump and ready my stance to kick her head midway in the air. And she was caught off guard by that, She fall down and gasped in pain. I landed smoothly and Andrea attacked me with her sword, but before she'll  swing to me her silver sword, i pull out the mini gun and pulled the trigger right after her throat bang! and another one in her Head bang!  "Andrea!!!" Alexa shouts and stand up then charge in me. She pick up Andrea's sword and slashed me several times. i tried to dodge one at a time but unfortunately she hit me and and it stings. Arghh.. blood started to drip. Before she'll attack again i pushed the button in my bud and when Alexa run towards me while i'm holding my wound and kneeled down with my left knee, I pull the trigger again and aimed it directly to her head. Then she stumbled dead on the spot.

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