between you and me 30

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please vote and enjoy the story❤️  follow these IG accounts: (official accounts)@chaarrming09@seanlew@kayceericeofficial

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chapter 30
"official partners"

Luna's POV

i get off in my car, waiting for someone not just a 1 person but 8 of them. I'm here in the airport patiently waiting.

"you know what Luna, how long should i act? i know sean don't want to see me. he hates me" i gaze to the person who just get out to the car also.

"you know the reason why he should hate you in the first place and you knew when and where to stop. You're undeniable intelligent, you want to help them right? and you are the only person who have that power and protection they need" i replied to her while leaning my back in my car. She leaned also and crossed her arms.. and let out the biggest sigh i ever heard from her.

" *sigh* i know, and this sucks. By the way, some of the "so called protection" you say are already enrolled in your school" i was surprised from the information she gave to me. Even though i'm wearing a sunglasses, my eyes widened.

"what?! just when? how would i know which one of them?!" i asked her confusely and amused by her advance actions.

" i know this would come. They are your students from a long time in Maxford. And you'll know soon, they'll be giving you some signal" she said while making actions to her hand . I knew that she's a perfect person to call for help since then

i just nod my head as an answer.. I was about to go back inside to the car when she continued to talk. i'm totally confused what she meant, but she handed me her phone and it's a picture of sean with..... an investigator?

"he's smart, he acted sooner. You said He seldomely get fainted and dreamt which are his memories. Maybe his confused, that's why. But that is a bad news Luna. If he will knew everything before we tell him. It would be a chaos" she straight forwardly told me. That frightened me for sure. Everything would be a misunderstanding and mess if he'll knew it first even to Kaycee.

i did not reply to her, when someone called me not far.

"Luna, how you've been?" they arrived already.. sigh

"stressed Aunt, real stress" i kissed her cheeks and she just smiled at me the same with her husband. And the other 6 came to me and gave me a hug.

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