between you and me 46

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 chapter 46

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chapter 46

Luna's POV

Bailey is okey now since in the morning, They joined the talk with their friends with kaycee and Sean. Nothing serious happened to Bailey, she just need some rest because she was stressing her innerself and the passing out of kaycee what triggers her anxieties. So, everything is fine now . but not really until we can capture that Samantha.

you might wonder if the classes are still up, but guess what? it is still going and continue. No need to get nervous. teachers and staffs know what is going on but, they don't know we are all here under the university. Include the students don't know anything about us and everything we are in here. I'm currently sipping some tea from my cup and reading the files for the university here in the corner office. I'm still a principal and have something else to be responsible of. My phone buzzed, and it's julia who message me.

from: Julia

      We are all here in the basement. We used the other door. No need for food, we baught already in our way. You can come here.

to: Julia

we'll be. thank you Juls.

after i replied to Julia, i went to the others to tell them we are starting to plan out things later . i'm kinda feeling nervous but i trust everyone and i know we can pull this off without someone will get hurt or worse, Die.

"kaycee, sean and Assasins, ready? we'll start now!" everyone stop from what they are doing as i called them. They were smiling and lively, and now they're serious as dead. They just nod at me and followed me where we'll go. I let out a big sigh and i walk slowly. The assasins are now infront of me while sean and kaycee is in behind me.

"sean" i calmly called him and we didn't stop walking.  "it's okey Luna, no need to explain. you're just stress out because of the situation and Dani is in danger. i know you didn't meant it. And i understand you by that." and by that i stop from walking, i thought he'll not answer to me. i look at to him and to kaycee who also stop from walking and both of them are smiling at me. A honest smile, i hug them without thinking twice. "thank you sean, and to you too kaycee. God knows i love you two" then they hug me back. "we know that Luna,  we also love you.. so we need to hurry because Dani is waiting for us. okey?" kaycee said to me and i smiled at her as a response. I didn't understand to myself why we decided this two to be far away from each other. But it's all in the past now, focus more in the present to restart everything.

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