between you and me 40

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chapter 40

Lewis's POV

"don't you ever dare to walk out to all of us" i can sense anger in Kaycee's voice. Really?  for real kaycee? everyone is silent.. here I'm standing all alone in the middle of the living area

"really kaycee? i can't do that? but you, yourself can? Did you listen to me when i wanted to explain to you ? but instead you left me, you walk out through the door to me? you shut me! and for what?! for what another reason? there's no need for me to stay here anymore. There's no point staying here if we'll do nothing to save Dani and this damn whole truth. useless" and i accidentally risen my voice. Kaycee stand up and faced me.

" how dare you to say that to me, you knew nothing in me. Easy for you to say because you remembered and your memories already came back. but me?? you don't know my struggle. Everything i heard right now in this place, i tried to process it and push myself to remember something. And not a single light came back in my head. And you ? have the urge to mumble nasty words infront to everyone? did you hear yourself sean? if you're hurt right now, what do you think we feel right now?!!" i was shut up from her reply, she's so furious and pointed me everytime she uttered a word. then she continued. "does walking out would fix everything right now? huh? answer me, You know! i won't argue or hold you anymore if you wanted to walk out to the door and leave us all here and me." then she went to the room where Julia entered earlier.

  "Kay--" i tried to call her but she didn't turn around, i hurt her. Bailey stood up and tell everyone "i'll talk to her"

"this is all my failt, she haven't remember anything yet, my daughter is still in her cage"it's Laura, she began to cry.. Her husband tried to calm her and they excused themselves. Who would have thought that kaycee haven't remember yet. I screwed up..

When the moment i realize that i'm still infront to everyone, then the madness i've felt earlier turned into an awkward and being shy took over me.  and the rest get back from what they're doing.

"Sean, you have to calm down. Now sit back and let's get this through all together. And this time, no one will be left behind" i didn't look up, but it's sarah who spoke. I followed what she said and hardly sat back and lean my head and cover my eyes by placing my right arm of it.

"dude, earlier when i arrived at kaycee's house. How did you know that Dani was kidnapped?" ken asked me, i forgot about that. shoot. Now, to rewind everything earlier..

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