between you and me 47

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 chapter 47

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chapter 47

Kaycee's POV

hours had been passed, it's already 8:10 pm. I'm fidgeting my fingers because i'm so nervous for what will gonna happen later in this mission. We don't hold our futures, we don't know when wil be the last time to see each other faces. But God is with me and to us, i know he will protect us. I'm sitting down here in the couch while others are starting to prep and load stuffs in the car. Where i'll be also staying to see and hear everything.

i look at to sean who is constantly walking back and forth. I felt dizzy as i watched him. "calm yourself sean, be positive" i hold his arm and he stop from walking. He let out a fristrated sigh and look at me. He nod and put her head in my shoulder to rest it. "i'm nervous, i don't know what will happen later. But for sure i'll do my best not to ruin according to our plan" he said to me while he's still resting his head in my left shoulder. i caress her hair and said "i know you all can" and he just slightly laugh at me.

"is everything set?, don't forget to wear your bullet proof vest. Just in case!! And start loading the bullets and guns. Don't forget your wireless buds it has gps devices on it so we can track you all guys wherever you're gonna go, by 8:30 we'll start to roll and get our asses here" Julia instructed to everyone and every single person here are all serious and this heavy feeling like, seriously!!! i'm surrounded with assassins, like heck!! If i'm the same with them i can't feel the heavy pressure each of them they produced. But i'm just a regular girl that is bound to be a heiress and don't know about anything in this world. Who would not felt it.

"kaycee and sean, wear your vests okey? and let's get into the car. Everything is settled. Do not panic and just focus according to our plan. nothing else" Luna came to us and instructed. we stand up and get into the car, a black bulletproof van to be more precised. customized by our own clan. And guess what? i'm still surprised.

Location 1 (9:10 pm)
Kaycee's POV

"this is Luna, we are here now in the first location? julia?" 

we are here now not that far in the abandoned factory shed. Luna is trying to reconnect with the other group which is far away from us. The second location where Julia are and her group. We are here still inside the van while i'm holding so tight to Sean's hand. to be honest i'm starting to worry a lot and overthink. Can't blame me, this is a risky situation and i don't want him to be not safe and be wounded.  "Kaycee.. angel.. calm down. look at me" sean said to me and i look up into his eyes and i feel like my tears are forming up. "hush. kaycee.. calmdown. i'll be okey. trust me and trust us. believe and we'll succeed, no one will got hurt okey? We have Monika, Paula, Elen, Anoosha, Josh and Desiree here" sean hug me and i hug him back. i just nod several times as i agree to his words.

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