Author's note

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   hi guys, this is charm the author of the story. I know it's not that good and there as so many typo's and stuff going on in each chapter. But all i wanna to say is that. Thank you everyone for sticking around, waiting for me to update, vote every chapter and supported me in different ways. I trully appreciate the love from each of one of you.

   Who would thought just 24 chapters and 2.5k readers you are all now? WHAAT?!! this is crazzy!!! I love you all so much.   So as a token of my thank you to each of one to you. Here is a super short clip, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EDIT VIDEOS. but hopefully i can make one with the whole teaser for this story.

So here yah go❤️🥺:  short clip

i love you all, stay at home and be safe always❤️

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