two different world

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@chaarrming09 my IG account
@seanlew IG account
@kayceericeofficial IG account

Before i'll start this story, i wanted to thank you to some seaycee Fans (like me) out their for supporting me and encouraging me to create a fictional story about our little beans Sean and Kaycee. Also, i wanted to thank God for giving me such wonderful wisdom and wide imagination that would help me to continue and create further for this story. This is my first time ever story i'll make. And i hope, everyone would like it. To Kaycee and Sean, i thank you for being such lovely duo and being such inspiring personalities. And i would say , without you two i would never push my self to my limits and be open to other new things that can help me to continue to grow and develop as a student and as a person. i really love the both of you so much. I hope you all will love this .❤️



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I don't know i would go this far, i'm only a highschooler yet i became susccessful in such a young age.

It wasn't like this before, and now it's different and i'm still in puzzle.

All i ever wanted is to dance and dance and to portray different messages and stories even elements through dancing.

"Let us welcome ! the most awaited part of this event. The Prodigy!! and the star of the night!"

"Hold your breathes!! ........

LEWIS!!!" the emcee said

Everyone applaud

I'm walking upstairs as the emcee or host called my name. It is the cue that i should be up in the stage.

I'm not nervous or feeling nausea, I'm already used to it.

Spot lights are facing in me, different lights are occupying the whole space. Thousands of People are screaming and giggling.

The feeling being up in here is great, but as it continue. Their is a strange feeling that tingling me.


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