between you and me 45

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 chapter 45

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chapter 45

Kaycee's POV

"Assasins?" i exclaimed as julia announced it to us. She just slowly nod at us as a reply. when? them? what? no joke right? i don't know what to feel, i don't know which emotion should i react. but for sure i'm shocked, real shock.

I hold tight to Seans arm beside me, he look at me and yes, i remembered what we discussed yesterday. That we will understand, listen and accept everything that is thrown infront of us. But who would not be shock if the assasins are your ... FRIENDS. Elen, Josh, Alexa, Anoosha, Andrea, and Karan. i look back at them and they are all looking at me and to sean. And they just nod at me from my question. I remember what they said to us that even our friends knew who we are. But i really didn't expect this.

"I'm happy you all arrive here safely. kids have you eatten yet?" i just heard Miya said to them, and i just let out a big sigh. I want to talk to them later, and clear my confusions in my head. So i smiled at them, and i just felt Sean intertwined our hands underneath the table and nod at me once. Then he smiled to our Friends also, who are Assassins.

"thank you Mrs. Lew , yes we ate already as we get here. Thank you for the offer" Karan replied in behalf of them, i think she's the Leader of the group. I giggled for the formality of my friends. And they trully act what i saw in movies how Assassins are. They bow their head with strong and calming voice, it's cute and shocking in real life that i'm able to see one.  i know it's weird that i'm not angry or sad, but yeah as i repeat we discussed it already with sean.

  "are you okey Kaycee?" Julia ask me, and i waved my hand in weird movements and smiled to everyone and slightly laugh.

"no, no. hahaha i'm okey Julia. i just thought it's only in movies. And who would have thought it's our friends. And Karan, drop the formality. We know each other and so do you guys" as i uttered that it seems everyone felt relieved. They might think that i would get mad. But i am not, so as Sean. I just hold tight to our intertwined fingertips and i stand up. And gave a hug to them. A warm hug. And all of them hug me back, It's a group hug indeed.  And Jaeda, Ken and Sean joined us.

"okey, cut the dramatic scene. You guys need to join us  because it would be disrespectful that you guys, our guests, who will just watch us devouring some food here, while you are all waiting" Luna replied with a smile. And everyone laugh at it. And our frinds just shyly nod and grab some chair. Then we continued to Eat.

"Kaycee, thank you. but we should give you some explanation" it's elen, still the shy girl i've known. I nod at her and said "later okey? Me and Sean will hear it" and they are happy from my response.

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