between you and me 23

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please vote and enjoy the story❤️  follow these IG accounts: (official accounts)@chaarrming09@seanlew@kayceericeofficial

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chapter 23

Someone's POV

I'm here hugging tight the picture that is me and you spending the best days in our lives. I missed you much my love. we will see each other soon.

"Ma'am your arrival will be in a hour and the papers are already prepared" my butler just came in, right i'm in my private airplane.

my heart broke into pieces when i saw a picture. How dare you to steal him to me. What mine is mine and will never be yours.

"thank you, you can go now" just an hour and i'll arrive Los Angeles where you at my Lewis... my Fiance'

Kaycee's POV

I just woke up because of my alarm rang .. Eh!wait.. did we cleaned up last night? as i look around, the blankets, pillows, the plates and stuff are already gone. And why i'm in my bed? did he carry me? omg how come?

i hurriedly get up then washed my face and brushed my teeth then turn my hair into a messy bun. it's already 7:30 am and we have to go to school at 9 am. So i went to his room which is the door here inside my room.

"Lewis a--" I did not knock and just crashed the door.. and....

and... AND....


   in my shock i didn't move not in a bit, he's also stunned to see me. both of us caught off guard. I'm freezed where i an standing right now . He is on his brief!! AND I DON'T KNOW WHY I LOOK AT DOWN THERE , I DON'T KNOOOOW

"WHAT THE FREAKIN YOU DOING HERE KAYCEE?!!!" he risen his voice, he hurriedly grab the towel and i was snapped in my senses then turn around. then i covered my face but i know it's too late already. TOO LATE

i face-palmed because of my carelessness. I can't believe this, how would i face him after this? how?! HOW!

"K-kaycee, you can turn back now" he said to me with assurance. But because of biggest shame of being impulsive to myself without thinking i did not respond to him instead i run back to my room and slammed the door. I stop at the door then lean on it, controlling my breathe to relax and calm down.

i hurriedly went to the shower room then let the cold shower help me to relax and forget what happen today.

Lewis's POV

damn, what just happened earlier?! why did kaycee suddenly came in. Good thing i wore first my brief, goodness gracious kaycee.

i should make breakfast for the both of us, and say sorry for her from shouting earlier, and we still need to go to school. I dressed up so I could go downstairs. I make some tea for myself then starting cooking. garlic fried rice, bacon, sunny-side up, spam and some sliced watermelon.

As i am placing the food in the table i see kaycee walking over here. I guess she take a shower already. *sigh* She's not looking at me i know she's shy but neither of us is fault.  She went to the kitchen then grab some fresh milk from the ref and pour some in her long glass. I sat in the chair and waited for her to come. She's so silent that can even break a glass. 

finally he sat down in the chair which is infront of me, She is playing her hands and i should do something.

"kayc.." i called her, she didn't even get some food in her plate.

"kaycee" i called her several times. and i'm starting to freak out.  so i stand up and went to her. She's still in her head down.

i get some food in her plate..

"kaycee.. you need to eat, it's not good to skip meals." i talk to her and i know she's only listening. as i finish get her some food.
i kneeled beside her so we would be in the same height since she's sitting.

i touch her shoulder and called her again in the softest way as possible "kaycee caitlin rice" . And it worries me when she's starting to shake.

"hey, hey calm down. it's okey. it is not your fault earlier" i held her chin to look at me, and damn it breaks me seeing her eyes starting to red and water forming on it. I caress her cheeks.

"I'm not mad at you so calm down, it's not your fault and it's my fault all along. i should have locked the door knowing i'm .. you know. And i'm sorry for shouting at you earlier. i was just so shock and didn't think earlier what to do, okey? eat up kaycee" i said to her while touching her cheeks slowly then tugging in her loose curly hair into her ear which is blocking her beautiful face. her eyes are still in wonder, she cannot eye contact to me

"i know, i'm just ashamed from myself earlier and i don't know how to face you. i'm sorry . i really do" she replied to me with all her heart in cry. Sincere and honest to be exact.  I was like sucked in her gaze, an angelic gaze that can melt you down

" i know, kaycee.. so let's eat? we still need to go to school" i told her again and she nodded. I don't know what soul or thought came into my mind but i leaned forward at her and kissed her forehead. her eyes widened a little bit be she smiled after.  Then i stand up and went to my chair and smiled at her.

"let's eat?" and she nodded. that's a relief she 's finally okey.

   after we ate, we washed the plates and other things i used earlier. later on we both went upstairs to ready and went to school.

hmmm.. what should i wear? how about denim jacket with white shirt inside and black pants. It looks cool as i saw it in the mirror. Then i grab my bagpack which is where my laptop, chargers, phone, wallet, small binder notebook and pen.  I am here in the living room waiting for kaycee to come out so we will go, since i will be the one will drive her car for us.

  time check 8:30 am and kaycee just right on time. and Woah, we did not plan this but we have the same outfit today ey! hahahahah

"catch this lewser" she said to me with a big smile and threw me the car keys. And ofcourse i caught it.

"wait, we have the same outfit today?! wow, are you copying me lewis?" earlier she so dramatic and now she's goofy.

"in your dreams weirdo" we laug and  went outside then ride to the car and drove to school.

what a morning for us

A/N: omgeee i feel like this is not good though 😅 neverthless hope you guys like it. take care everyone❤️ love you all

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