chapter 2

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May cleaned the house after her family had left. Once she was done, she walked to her bedroom and took a quick shower. She had less than an hour before the Nannies began to come for the interview.

She walked to her walk in closet and looked for something simple to wear. She didn't like to be over dressed which made her wonder what her life was like before. Who she was and what she loved before she got into that accident.

May brushed of the memories of the story that her husband had told her as she pulled a green tank top that still had a tag on it. When they had arrived in America, her husband had taken them shopping and to be honest, he had over done it. She looked around for a skirt to match her top and she landed on a white one. She looked at it for a while debating where to go with it or a green on.

It took her almost ten minutes before she decided to take the white skirt. The skirt reached below the knees. Once she was done, she dried her hair and held it in a bun. Just when she was about to walk to the shoe rack, the door bell rung.

May pulled flat black shoes and wore them as she walked down to open the door. All she prayed as she opened the door was that she makes the right decision. It was about her two angels. About their happiness and she would lay her life for them.

"Hey," She greeted as she opened her door wider, "You must be here for the interview."

She looked at the middle aged woman who still stood at the door way. She was well dressed and May had to agree that that was one of the characters she was looking for. To her, she had put too much effort on her kids and she always wants them to be smartly dressed.

The lady said yes and May asked her to sit at the visiting area outside. That way it would help with the rest. They would know where to wait as the interview went on. Once she made sure that the lady was settled, May walked back to prepare some fresheners for her visitor.

"I'll call you." May said to the firth person that had stepped into her study office.

She looked at the time and it was almost noon and still she hadn't gotten the suitable Nanny. The one that was standing up to leave had just left her previous work once she saw the advertisement that May had placed out there. What was to make her not to leave the twins when she saw another advert?

May rubbed the back of her neck as she got up from the seat. Three good hours without her getting up. She walked to the window so as to let her muscle loosen. As May looked out of the window and continued to rub her neck that feeling came back to her.

The same feeling that she had felt every time she rubbed her neck. Like she had seen someone do that allot before. And if not someone, it had to be her. But it wasn't her husband, he never not even once rubbed his neck...

May was interrupted by a light knock on the door. She walked back and sat before she called in for a come in. Whoever was outside that door was the last person for the day. She still had to go and check out that shop before renting it out for her business.

"Good afternoon, ma'am." Greeted a guy who was less than twenty five years old.

May looked at the young man that stood before him and got confused. What was a young man as him doing at her interview of Nannies? She looked at him from head to toe and she was impressed with his dressing. Although not expensive, he wore a blue Kaki's and a black T-shirt. His snickers were also black. To be honest, if she hired him, her son would get a best friend.

"Good afternoon Mr..."

"White, Rafael White."

"Mr. White, please have a seat." She said pointing at the seat that was next to him. "How may I be of help?"

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