Chapter 9

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Dedicated to @wonderwander

Chris shook the hand of the man that he had just finished having a meeting with for the past one hour. He thanked him as he pressed the elevator button and together they waited till the doors opened. Once they did, the tall gentleman smiled at Chris and stepped inside.

Chris stayed in the daze for a while when the elevator closed. He thought of the intersection he had with the man and in his heart he couldn't help but feel that he was the best. Not because he convinced him that he was but because of how he had presented himself a while.

And for that alone made Chris bet on his life that he was going to get what he wanted. Chris walked back to his office but before he got in he glanced at his assistant who was typing away on her computer. He called her and requested for a cup of coffee.

That's what he needed before his last meeting of the day. He glanced at his wrist watch and realized that time had really been flying. Soon his son will be waiting for him to pick him up when the day just began a few hours ago. Anyway, he had to agree with whoever said that time really flies when you're busy.

Just as he reboot his laptop, the door was knocked and his assistant walked in with his steaming cup of coffee. She placed it before him which he thanked her. Chris took a sip and his mind couldn't help it but relax. Placing the mug down, he went on to typing on his laptop and once he was done, he wrote the email that the message needed to be sent to before sending it.

After twenty minutes, his office door was knocked and in came person that he was supposed to have a meeting with.

"Hey, can I've a cup too?" Wesley asked while pulling a seat to sit on. "I'm really tired and I need some relieve."

Chris placed the almost finished coffee down and looked at his friend to ask. "Don't you've someone to do that for you?"

When Chris said that, he didn't let himself miss the reaction on his best friend's face. And when Chris saw him froze for a half a second, he didn't needed to be told more. He got his answer. So before Wesley could answer him, Chris went on to say.

"Besides, you left Mary outside before you came in." Mentioning his assistant's name made Wesley breath a little bit comfortable. It's like he was glad Chris changed the topic. "You could have asked her before you came in. You know?"

"She isn't at her desk." Wesley went on to explain to Chris. "And since it looks like you didn't send her, then duty calls."

"Right." Chris said taking one more sip of his already warm coffee. "Shall we begin the meeting or do we wait for Mary to bring to the coffee?"

Chris watched Wesley take a more comfortable position on his seat before saying that they should begin the meeting. So Chris pulled out a manila file which was green in colour and handed it over to Wesley. Chris watched his friend go over the file which he was sure that he had seen and read over the email that he had send him few days back ago.

He was always the careful one. The one who kept reminding Chris that before signing anything in this world, you had to let a lawyer check it first. Have a background check up even if you have known the person for years. According to Wesley, your close friends and family members are definitely the first people to stab you on the back when you're not careful.

So, when it came to serious matters in the company, Chris had to get the approval of Wesley. Not because he was a co-CEO, but because he trusted his judgmental. Besides, the guy was a lawyer something that he never even practiced once he got his certificate from the University. And Chris doughted that his girlfriend was even aware of it.

"I love this business deal." Wesley said stopping Chris from going way too deep in thoughts. Chris pulled open the other file before him and stared at it. He had read the proposal a few times now and he had to agree with Wesley. It was great. "They want us to supply them with our clothes for the series and it doesn't end their, we get paid fifty million dollars in the end."

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