chapter 15

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Dedicated to @mansikothari9

The door went flying open the moment the bell rung. Which had Wesley wondering how long Alma had been waiting to hear that. He came as soon as she asked him to. And that was like twenty minutes ago. No, his and Chris' place wasn't that near. He had to break the law to be there but he wouldn't have done it any other way.

"Ooh, thank God you're here son." She said stepping aside to let him in.

Wesley turned to look at the old woman as she closed the door. "I came as soon as you asked me to Nanny." He saw the worry on her face. The same one he had heard over the phone on her voice. "Now tell me what's the emergency about?"

Alma led him to a couch and he sat when she offered him a seat. "It's Chris." She began now worrying Wesley.

"What's wrong with Chris?" He was fine yesterday. "Is he not well? I mean, is he sick or something?"

Chris was okay according to him the previous day that he had seen him. They had even told and laughed about some jokes. Then during lunch time he had gone to ask him for lunch but he wasn't in his office. According to Mary, he had left to take the rest of the day off.

To Wesley, that wasn't the Chris that he knew. Chris never left in the middle of an office hours just to take a day off. Or rest. Chris was workhorse and if it weren't for his son, he would be worse. He had thought of a possibility of Chris not being okay which was high but he had brushed it off.

How could he not be okay when in the morning he was fine. Isn't that we all do? We talk to people then we assume that they're okay for the next God knows how long? We forget that a second can make things not to be okay. Can make one loose a loved one thinking that they're okay. Fine as we love to say.

So Wesley thought Chris just wanted to take break. That he thought it would be perfect since the weekend had begun. And again, he had to prepare because the following day which was today, he had to meet his son's best friends' mom...

"He isn't well Wes." Alma said pulling him out of his thoughts. "And he isn't sick. But Chris has locked himself up in his room. Since he came back yesterday and asked me to pick up Prince from school. You know Chris, Wes, he never lets anyone to pick prince from school on Fridays no matter how busy he is."

And it's true. Chris never allows anyone to pick up his son on Fridays. To him, it's when he gets to know how his son is doing in school all through that week. It's when Chris gets to know how to help Prince over the weekend. So this was a new since Prince began to go to school. It was all a new to everyone and that was one sign that Chris wasn't okay.

"What do you mean he hasn't stepped out of his room?"

"He hasn't, I thought yesterday was a bad day for him so I let him be. But today at three in the morning I heard some noises from his room. It's like he was throwing thinks around and he was saying words that I didn't understand or they didn't make sense to me."

"Throwing things? Saying things? What are you talking about Nanny?" He was confused even more.

That wasn't the Chris that Wesley knew. That Chris didn't exist even in his mind at all. They grew up together, in fact they were practically brothers if you asked him. And all his years, Wesley never saw Chris throw anything out of anger. Never even lock himself in a room. Chris was the kinda guy that looked you in the eye and told you straight on your face if you hurt him.

He was the one to seek revenge and Maya was a leaving prove of that. Chris didn't cowar away like a coward. He stood up for himself. He fought tooth and nail. Never giving up it locking himself up. Never.

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