chapter 4

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"Daddy!" Reigns opened his arms to the little angel who shouted his name and let her embrace him. This is what he had missed so much.

For years, he had thought he could leave without them. Without his family around him but it was a fail. He missed them everyday and his visit to Kenya didn't help one bit. He wanted them around him. He wanted to get home knowing that his family waited for him. His.

Reigns rubbed his daughters back and smiled even more. Those little arms of hers were his home.

"How was your day, cupcake?" He asked pulling away from the hug.

Gabriella looked at him all smiley. "It was amazing daddy," the smile never went away. "I made a friend today at school."

Reigns looked more interested now. He was happy to hear that his daughter was adopting to the new place. It was still new to the kids and his wife despite them being there for two months now. And every time his kids said they made friends, he knew that they were moving on with life. And why couldn't he be happy?

"That's great cupcake," He said carrying her along with him. They're still at the door way. "So what's her name?"

"Daddy, it's his name."

And he was worried now. Since the day the kids began their school, Gabriella has been making male friends. Wasn't that something to worry about? She had her twin brother and other three or four boys before the new one came along. Now they're either four or five boy friends in her list.

"And why a he again, princess?" He asked as he set her on the couch. The others hadn't come to greet him yet. "I thought we agreed that the next friend you make will be a girl, princessa."

And he was talking the truth. They had spoken about that few days ago but it seemed to get from one ear and coming out from the other. Maybe it was about that time he had a serious talk with May about their daughter and a boy friends. Was it even healthy?

"I know daddy, but he is a new comer in our school and he had no friend to talk to." She tried to explain to him. "Besides, he is one grade ahead of me."

And you think he shouldn't be worried? Was it even normal? Reigns rubbed his face with his hands and smiled at his daughter.

"Okay cupcake." His smile widen, " so what's his name?"


"Daddy," Gabriel came running to him. He ran into his opened arms and Reigns did what he had done with his daughter before. "How was your day?"

"Better that now I've seen you two angels." He looked up at Rafael who smiles politely at him. "What were you doing?"

Gabriel pulled away from his Dad. "I was finishing my project." Gabriel explained sitting himself on the couch. "Rafael help me."

"He sure did."

Reigns watched the kid blush as he took the single seat from them. Since Rafael began to babysit his kids, he had no complain about him. He was a hardworking young man despite him still studying. One month and he had stolen the heart of his family, including him. And that's why he had sponsored the kid through his studies. Yes, he was paying his school fees and so far he had no regrets.

"Thanks Raf." He thanked the young man as the kids got into a conversation.

"It's my job Sir." Rafael said to him. He had asked Rafael not to call him Sir but the young man could not bring himself not to call him that. So he just let it be.

"Daddy, I met a new friend today."

"And he happens to be one grade ahead of you." Reigns said. Of course it had to be the same one that Gabriella was talking about. They shared friends. Even in Kenya. And not only friends. They shared many things in common.

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