chapter 26

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Dedicated to tsWanjiku

"What do you then think it's the truth?" Mama Natalia asked through her phone screen. "I've seen it myself May, you really look like Maya Rollins."

May looked away from the screen when her best friend said that to her. They had been talking for the past one hour about the business and how mama Natalia wanted to open up another branch in Kenya. Business was really doing great over there. And so was hers. She needed people to help her in the store.

She needed to even teach them how to turn a useless bone to something beautiful. And as usual, they had agreed to take University students who were struggling to pay for their own school fees. And how did that idea come up? When May first met Rafael. His parents had thrown him out because he choose to do what he loved the most.

They had refused to pay his school feels despite them being loaded. And he had spent years looking for ways to further his studies. May had felt his pain. She had seen him and how he had struggled and that meant her see how many kids were out there looking for means to pay their turions. That's why she had spoken with mama Natalia and asked her to hire them. Now it was her turn to do so since the store needed more hands.

After agree on opening another store in Kenya, May had told her best friend about Chris. And here they're. Talking about who she believed if she gave those words one word. May looked back at  the screen and her friend was still waiting for her answer. She was confused as hell. What the truth was or whom to believe.

What was she going to answer? Of course she believed her husband. He had been with her for the past six years. She had even seen their wedding photos. She had a wedding ring when she woke up and found her husband at her side. He would never lie to her. He wouldn't. Right?

But why did she feel like Chris was in a way telling her the truth. Why did her heart feel like it was screaming at her telling her to open her eyes? She might not remember anything apart from the bad things Chris did to her, but her heart seemed like it reminded something. Something that she wasn't supposed to remembered when she still had her loving husband.

May hadn't yet told her best friend about the kiss she had shared with Chris yesterday and in a way she was afraid of telling her.

"That's what is more confusing," she said in all honesty. "Why do I look like her? And why does he insist that he knows no May in his life when I remember him?"

Mama Natalia shook her head, "I wish I could answer you love." May saw how honest she was being, it's like she wanted to help her best friend. Really badly. "If I can help in anyway lemme know."

May thought for a while before she asked. "How far was I when we moved to the apartment?"

May didn't know why she asked that but she needed to get some answers. She had to trace her steps back to when she first wake up from her comatose. She hadn't stayed in the hospital for long. And when she went home, she was still confused and most of things weren't being processed in her mind. How could they when she was trying to remember who she was?

"You were..."

"May, you've a visitors." Rafael walked in before mama Natalia finished what she was saying. "Hey, mama Natalia." He greeted the woman on the screen.

May waited for the two to finish exchanging their greetings before she asked who her visitors were. She wasn't expecting anyone today. And mostly him. He won't dare come over or would he? Not after everything that had happened between them the other day.

"It's Prince and his Dad." Rafael said looking at her, if he saw her shock, he just ignored it. "You never told me that Chris was Prince's father."

Remember Me (sequel of Shouldn't Have Kissed You) Where stories live. Discover now