chapter 41

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Dedicated to jackMercy

"Chris stop it." Kyle said trying to push Chris away but the man didn't dare to move. He was furious and he wanted to do more than punch the guy behind her. He really did but she would let him. "You already broke his nose and he still has a black eye from the results of last week." She said again stopping him from charging towards the coward who chose to hide behind a skirt instead of facing him man to man.

Chris now wished that he had come with Wesley instead of Kyle. She was no help to him.

"I'm going to kill him," he said moving away from her. "His broke nose and black eye is nothing compared to what he did to Maya." And at the mention of his own wife's name, he got more than furious and he was on Leonel's neck refusing him oxygen.

"I said stop it Christopher Rollins." Kyle this time shouted her loudest making him to pose and allow his worst enemy to breath some air in. "You want to kill him?" She asked when he turned to look at her. No one calls him by his full name no matter how mad they're at him apart from his mother. His own mother and no one else. "Fine, go on. Kill him."

"I thought you understood me, Kyle." He moved away from Leonel and the poor guy moved his hands to his neck still looking shocked by what Chris had done. "We've to find Maya."

Kyle took a seat on the leather couch looking tired from separating the two men before her.

"And you think we'll find her this way?" She asked pointing at Leonel who was still bleeding from the blow he got. "No one wants to kill him more than I do." It like she saw the look on his face making her go on. "I do. But not before finding my best friend."

"It's been a week Kyle." Chris began to Pace around, "A week since she remembered everything and none of us has been able to find her."

"And that's why we need him to tell us everything that took place a week ago."

Chris wanted to laugh at her words. They didn't need Leonel to tell them anything. One week ago when Chris had realized that Maya remembered her past and she had left him to her dear loving husband, he had called the rest. He told them what happened and they agreed to follow her behind because only heavens knew what she could do.

And so they did. They followed her to her house only to find a crying Leonel on the floor begging for Maya to come back to him. That's when they knew that she had left the house with the kids and he had no idea where they had gone to. Chris was mad. He was really furious and before anyone could realized what was happening, he had already punched Leonel in the eye and he sure as hell it would give him a black eye.

And a week later looking at him now, he was proud of himself. Leonel had a black eye because of him and now he had a broke nose all thanks to him. But still that didn't bring Maya back. It didn't give them any idea of where she could have gone to with the twins. And what even angered him the most was that Leonel refused to tell them what took place after she had confronted him.

He said nothing that Saturday apart from him crying and saying that he was sorry. And Maya should go back to him. That she shouldn't have left and mostly with the twins. The words still ring in Chris' mind and that makes him not to sleep at all.

"I know but we can try it again." Kyle said locking her gaze with Chris. "He might talk this time. I'm sure he too is worried."

Chris laughed at her statement. Leonel didn't look anything like worried and for that he wanted to punch him till he looked like a worried father if not a man.

"Does he look worried to you?" He asked pointing Leonel to Kyle. "Kyle, he looks like confused man. Can't you see this?"

"You need to calm down and both of you sit right now."

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