chapter 18

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Dedicated to MsFlawlessKhan

"... They're catching up on me." Reigns tried to find a comfortable place on the fainted leather couch as he finished speaking. He seemed to do that every time he sat on the damn couch for the past six years. And to be honest, he was getting tired of it. Tired of everything around him.

And worst was yet to happen. Again, his psychiatrist went on writing whatever it is that she wrote on that damn notebook of hers without looking at him. He had been talking like almost an hour and she had dared not to say a word. Not to interrupt him as he spoke as she always did and he now was tired of it.

Tired of seeing her write, nod her head and any other shit that he had missed while going on with his miss fortune in life. Wait, he had no miss fortune at all. In fact he was very lucky that he had a family. He had a wife that loved and cared for him. He had kids who idolized him. Especially his little daughter. His cupcake.

The thought of his daughter had him calming him down. She was the apple of his eye and he would do anything for that kid. Don't get him wrong, he loved Gabriel as much as he loved Gabriella. It's just that Gabriel was acting more of a grown man than the kid he was. And that's why Reigns knew that he could trust Gabriel to take care of the only women in the house. Their women.

But then again, May was very much capable of taking care of herself, and she had proven that. She had proven it for almost six years when she and the kids were away from him. When he wasn't ready to share with the world at all. But now he had no choice. He couldn't do anything to protect her from what was to come...

"Then why don't you tell her the truth?" At last, she got her voice back.

Reigns found his comfortable place and looked up at his psychiatrist. She had dark eyes like his and she was pretty. "Tell her the truth?" He asked looking anywhere but her. "Haven't we been all this before?"

"We've," she answered while trying to look for the right words to say after that. "But until when will you leave in fear and hiding?"

"Until I get the courage to do it."

"And when will be that Mr. Reigns? When someone walks up to her and tells her everything about herself or when she remembers?"

Reigns rubbed his face in frustration. Maybe he was a coward. That's why he was afraid of telling May the truth. That's why he didn't want to take that step yet but it seemed destiny had other plans for him. They wanted him to spill the beans when he wasn't ready.

But again, when was he ever going to be ready? When someone has already told her everything? When she remembered and realized all her six years have been a lie. That she isn't even married to him. That he isn't her husband...

"If I recall well, you said that you've seen Chris Rollins thrice while taking the kids to school, right?" He had rubbled a lot of things since he walked in that office. He just couldn't take it and he had called to to see if she was free for him. Had he even made the right decision at all?

"Did I?" He asked trying to remember that part. He was really a reck when he walked inside that office. "If I did then yes, I've seen Chris thrice and I've avoided him."

"And why is that?" He watched as she set the notebook aside. " I mean he has no idea that you've his wife? The one that he believe she is dead?"

"Like I said before if you missed that part, he now knows that Maya Rollins is alive." Hadn't she not gotten that part at all. "And if he sees me at school, what do I tell him that I'm doing there?"

"But you're bound to meet one day." She was trying so hard to make him see logic in her words which made him wonder why? Wasn't she supported to tell him to take his time to heal? "Besides, your kids and his are friends. He comes to visit and from what I gathered he even had a sleepover in your house. What if he recognizes."

Reigns got up from the fainted leather couch and began to pace around the small office. Things weren't working in his favor at all. As he said before, destiny had had enough of him and his lies that's why it was conspiring against it. It's like it was telling him that his time was up. And it was really up. Maybe it was that time he told her the truth.

As people say, let her go, if she loves you, she will come back and if she doesn't, well...

Reigns looked out over the streets and saw how everyone was busy with their lives. It's like they didn't care about anything or anyone at all. Noises of moving vehicles didn't give any grieving man a chance to think of what's next. What's to happen after his grieve or during his grieve.

Oh and neither did the pediatricians who were going in different directions. They didn't bother. Not even with the small boy who was asking for spare change and they gave him none. That's how life was, nobody cared enough. Enough to know about other people's feelings like he had done to May.

He never considered her feelings before lying to her. Yes, he wanted to protect her. He had pure intentions at heart but they never lasted at all. Instead he took advantage of her vulnerability and now he had a family. His family built out of a lie. Everything was a lie and he had no idea of how to make it right. He had no idea and psychiatrist wasn't helping at all today.

What was he to tell May? Hell he had nothing to tell her when she had asked for a baby few weeks ago on his birthday. When she said that, a large part of him was happy that she wanted another member to be added in the family. He so wanted to jump on her bones at that very moment but then the guilt part took place.

He couldn't give her another baby without telling her the truth. She had to choose if that's what she wanted after she learned the whole truth. He had to tell her but he had no idea of how. And now, it had to be soon. Chris knee already that she was alive. And from the looks of things he wasn't about to give up.

Reigns moved away from the window and walked back to the couch. He had a lot on his mind. And he was scared as hell. As for now, May barely talked to him. All she did was say hi and have a good day or good night. She was still pissed over the kid issues and he so damn wanted to pull her into his arms and explain everything to her every night she gave him her back.

It hurt, so much that he moved to sleep on the couch. That help to ease his guilt.

"I think I've to leave." Reigns got up from and took his leather jacket. "Thanks for listening."

"But weren't done yet."

"I am." He began to walk towards the door once he was done wearing his just.


Reigns turned quickly at the door way stopping her from ever finishing whatever it was going to get out of her mouth.

"It's still Mr. Reigns please." And he walked out breathing fresh air.

Reigns couldn't believe that his psychiatrist was about to call him by his real name. He shock his head and got in his car.

Maybe it was about time that May knew the whole truth.

And before he could change his mind, he drove to her store...


I know it's short, kinda filter before the real drama begins.

Who is ready for one? Ah... I know the past chapters have a lot of it but things are about to go south here so fasten your seat belts.

And because it's a filter, how about I get 20 votes before and you all get an update tomorrow. Remember if I get twenty votes. So keep them coming. I'm counting.

Till tomorrow loves. If I get twenty votes. Take care. I'm going to sleep now. It's late.

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