chapter 25

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Dedicated to nallecy

Reigns looked out the window and thought for a while before he could speak up. It's like he had no other life for the past one month. He was always in this small office but who was he to blame but himself. He brought this upon himself and he had to deal with it. Him and by himself. Wait, he wasn't by himself. He was with his psychiatrist.

"They're meeting today." He finally spoke up staring at nothing in particular outside the window. "After six long years they're going to see each other." His fingers were in fist and he wanted to kick something. Anything as long as it numbed him the pain he felt inside.

Reigns knew that this particular day would come. He had know the moment he had opened up his mouth and lied to her. When he said he was her husband. He knew it would come when he asked her to move back to the country. When she left the life that she knew just to be near him. To support it all through the way.

But nothing prepared him to the pain that he felt since yesterday. He couldn't even sleep after she told him that Chris was coming over. Of course, she didn't say Chris because she had no idea that it was him. She had told him that she was meeting Prince's father for the first time. And she was happy that at last, the parents.

May had asked him if he had any work to attend to and if he was being honest, he had no work. But because he knew that the kids best friend was Prince and his father was Chris, he had said he had work. She understood him even though he saw disappointed in her face. All she said was it was a shame that he had never met Prince and he wouldn't be there when she met his father.

But he didn't let it look like he was scared when he was. He never wanted Prince to see him. He could tell his father that he met the twins father. And that was a risk Reigns wasn't about to take. It hadn't yet been the time. The time for him and Chris to come face to face. Not Chris alone, but anyone from Maya's past. He wasn't ready and for sure, he would never be.

Reigns watched a red car take a u-turn from one road to another and he couldn't help but remember that day. The day he let his life take a u-turn from the correct path. He loved her so much. So much that he wasn't willing to let her go. So much that when she walk up from that comatose and she couldn't remember anything, he looked her dead in the eye and told he was her husband.

Cars take u turns when they miss a path. And he did that. He had missed his path with Maya. But he hadn't missed one with May. May loved him as a lover. May adored him despite not knowing what he had done. May wanted to have another kid with him. And was his u turn worth all the bums on the road? Yes, they're. It was worth everything.

Him not being loved by Maya as a friend. Him not watching Maya in another man's arms while he died beat by beat inside.

It was worth all the pain that he felt at that moment.

"Why didn't you stay back then?" His psychiatrist asked as she bit the lid of her pen. "You wanted to be there, right?"

Reigns looked over at her for a while before moving his gaze back in the streets. Today he dared not to sit on that old worn out leather couch. He was going insane as it was and sitting wouldn't help at all. He wanted to laugh at the question. Why didn't he stay back, she had asked?

How could he. He was a coward that wasn't ready to face the reality. A coward who thought that he could win this game of hide and seek. The kids game. His own kids were even better than him when it came to the game. Reigns took in a deep.

He didn't stay because that wasn't who he was. He hadn't stayed three days ago. The day that he had gone to tell Maya everything. He didn't even think twice when he saw Phil with her. He didn't wait for her to see him. He had run out of the store like the coward he was.

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