chapter 11

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Dedicated to MsFlawlessKhan

May pulled the car into a parking lot and walked out after killing the engine. She went to the back door and let the twins out. Once they got at the door they changed their shoes and walked in. The kids kept on talking about their day and how at mischievous they're with other kids.

She missed that. And for that reason alone she had gone to pick up the kids herself. To her, she felt like she was missing so much in her kids life since the business began to grow. She no longer had time like before.

"Hey, why don't we pause the stories there for a while?" She asked placing the car keys on the coffee table and turning around to look at her two angels who weren't about to call it a quit.

"But momma," Began Gabriella, "I haven't even gotten to the fun part."

"Yes momma." Chipped in her twin brother.

May smiled at both of them. "Why don't you guys heard to the study room and do your homework and I get some refreshments for you."

"Then we'll have highlights of the day?"

They both asked as if sharing one mind. May's smile didn't fade away as she just nodded her head. The twins run to the study and she walked to her bedroom where she took a quick shower and changed her clothes. Once done, she made sandwich for the twins before joining them in the study.

May helped the twins with their homework and as they did so she couldn't help but wonder the last time they did that. They had Rafael hence they didn't need her anymore. Especially her son, Gabriel. Rafael was even becoming his role model and May couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous. Was she wrong to feel that way?

"Momma, do you know that Gab here..."

"Is a good boy." Gabriel cut his sister mid sentence.

"What did you do Gab?" May asked while packing her kids books back to their backpacks. "Don't tell me you were bothering your teacher."

"Momma, she would have told you if I did."

"That she would. So what did you do?"


"I invited out friend to join us at our picnic tomorrow."

May placed the backpacks away and looked at the kids who where eating their sandwich as if they said nothing. Don't get her wrong, it's not like she didn't like their friend joining them but it was a family time. The only time now she got to spend with her family without being bothered. And having a plus one won't be a family thing anymore.

May watched the twins exchange a look before Gabriella spoke up. "Is that okay with you momma?"

Of course they must have seen her reaction for Gabriella to ask that. She nodded her head afraid to say something. The kids smiled happily and went back to their snacks.

May left them and prepared a bath for them once she picked out their clothes. She thought of their friend and the kinda family he grew up in. According to the twins, the kid was just one class ahead of them which made her even more curious now they they mentioned him. All she had heard were praises and she hope that he was as good as the praised. Maybe Gabriel did the right thing by inviting him over. It's about time they gave face to all those praises and yet to have a name friend of theirs.

Later that evening May ordered pizza for the whole family and they gave the highlights of the day. Of course she knew the kids highlights since they had been talking all the evening since she picked them up from school. Rafael's highlight was about when he was showing her something on his phone and it went off. He didn't say what he was showing her which had her husband and the twins laughing at him.

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